Chapter 85

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"I was afraid you were gonna say that." I look away, wondering if I can go through this again. It's not like Uncle John's been a stand up guy. The asshole did try to make a pass at me. Hell, he tried several times, and I never told Aunt Kelly—there's no way I could break her heart with that kind of information. Thank God, he was always too drunk to get any further than a kiss or a grab at my boob. Otherwise, I'm not sure I could have stopped him—and the more I think about it, the more I don't want to help him at all. Maybe Aunt Kelly would be better off with him dead? He's never been a good husband and he's never kept a full-time job. He's too busy constantly gambling money away like there's a never-ending supply of it. Which brings me to another question...

"How did he even get involved with a Demon, anyway?" I ask, looking up at Zack as he pushes away from the mantle.

"It's hard to say," he says, scratching the side of his forehead, "But I have a feeling it wasn't because he's a stellar guy."

"Well, duh..." I say so quickly he looks at me and tilts his head.

"What?" he asks, and I can practically see the wheels turning in his head, "What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing!" I blurt out, but Zack knows I'm hiding something. It's obvious my quick reaction was a dead giveaway.


"Wait, did he hurt you?" he asks, with a fury in his eyes I haven't seen before.


"Katie!" he shouts, because somehow he's figuring things out before I have the courage to tell him.

"No!" I get out. "He...he didn't hurt me." I close my eyes, "Well, not really."

"Katie, what did he do?" he yells, clipping his words in anger as he walks closer to me.

I shake my head, automatically covering my face with the palms of my hands. I'm not ready to tell him. It's too painful to think someone you're supposed to trust, someone who's suppose to love and protect you could do such a thing. I've held it inside for so long that it feels safer to keep it there, tucked away so no one else can see the ugliness of it inside.

"That son-of-a-bitch." Zack whispers.

Instantly, I look up, trying to deny the words he just said, "He—I mean, we..." I stop to wipe the tiny rivers already flowing down my face, "I—it never got that far."

"How does that matter?" he shouts, slamming his fist on the mantle. "The fact that he tried..." his fist goes down again while his other hand races through his hair, "I'm so sorry, Katie," he says, the hurt in his eyes is almost palpable as he rushes toward me, lifting me into a tight hug.

I'm not sure if it's the fact that someone actually knows and genuinely wants to comfort me or because it feels good to finally get it out, but now, I'm crying on my brother's shoulder like a little girl.

After a few seconds go by he whispers, "It makes more sense, though. The more corrupt, the easier it is for Demons to manipulate."

I pull back, wondering what he means, "How?" I ask, tilting my head.

Zack lets go but keeps my left hand in his, "Uncle John and I have never gotten know that. With me, he seemed to always have a chip on his shoulder, like he resented me or maybe my success at the fire station, I'm not sure. But, I always knew Aunt Kelly was way too good for him," he pauses, guiding me over to the wingback and I take a seat, "And when his drinking got worse and he kept going out at night, I knew he was headed for serious trouble."

"So, wait, are you saying the more screwed up a person is, the easier it is for a Demon to possess them?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

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