Chapter 32

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I don't have time to think before the white light fades and my body is suddenly released from the Watchman's arms. I open my eyes and incredibly, I'm standing next to the Volvo. The second I look up at him, I can tell he already knows what's about to come out of my mouth.

"How in the hell did you do that?"

He looks down as if choosing his words carefully then shifts his eyes back to mine. "You have not lost any time."


"The time. It is back to when you first arrived." he answers.

"Wait." my hand goes up. "Somebody better start talking!" I demand, staring up at him.

He ignores me and says, "Now, you will not be missed."

"What do you mean, I won't be missed?"

The Watchman's eyes shift away and for a second, I see a hint of the familiar red like before when he looks back to me.

"It is not for me to explain." he answers but I can hear the hesitation in his voice. He wants me to know.

"I don't care who the hell explains it. Any of it. This beating around the bush shit is driving me insane. Or maybe I've completely lost my mind and this is a flipping nightmare!"

"This is not a dream." he answers, in a matter of fact tone.

"Then what is it? Who are you and why are you calling my dead brother, "master." my hands air-quote the last part. "Holy shit, I sound like a mad person even to myself!" I lean against the car, almost tripping on a rock before I steady myself. The Watchman gets so close, bringing his hands to my sides and I can smell his skin again. The same masculine scent mixed with something else. Almost like how the north breeze smells when fall begins to push the hot, humid summer air away...and it's intoxicating.

"That!" I shout, making him stand back. "Why did you do that?"

"I do not understand."

"Why are you treating me like a freaking porcelain doll?"

"I have already told you. I am your Watchman."

I can't help but roll my eyes because I know that much. "Yeah, I remember. But why? Why do you have to watch me?"

"Because you and the Master have the same bloodline." he answers in his deep, rich voice.

"Okay, I get it. He's my brother...I think. But, what do you mean, exactly?"

He hesitates again, looking away as if wondering if he's being watched. He steps closer and leans into my ear. "It means you are not of this world and must be protected."

"Not of this world? Seriously? Um, in case you haven't noticed I'm a living, breathing person here." Sarcasm practically drips down my chin but he doesn't say a word.

"You're really not going to tell me, are you?"

"It is not for me to say. I am your protector. That is all."

"Then why am I so drawn to you?" I ask so quickly I barely realize I've said it.

His eyes instantly dart to mine. Clearly, he wasn't expecting that statement. Is it wrong somehow? Wrong for me to feel this way?

He locks eyes with me but I can see the confusion behind them. He's definitely baffled by this. So, I ask the next question.

"Why can't...?" I pause, hoping he'll give me something but he just stares at me. Okay, I'll finish my thought. "Why can't I be attracted to yo...?"

"It is forbidden!" he shouts, interrupting me and I flinch. He notices immediately and backs away.

"Why is it forbidden?" I ask, looking down at my feet and feeling foolish for even admitting my attraction to him. His hand goes to my chin and our eyes lock once again. It's as if he knows I feel ashamed and wants to let me down gently.

"It is not that simple, Kate Bassett. We are different, you and I. We are very different."

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