Chapter 53

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I have to swallow the knot forming in my throat and I'm pretty sure he notices because his eyes drop to my mouth. I can feel his desire for me even without our unique bond. The gentle lust behind his eyes alone says it all.

A single tear manages to escape down my cheek and his thumb catches it, wiping it away as he slowly leans down. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he touches his lips to mine. They're incredibly warm and soft and his tenderness takes me by surprise. I have to catch my breath when he carefully slips an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. Without thinking, I reach around his neck as our mouths move in perfect unison, and a flood of passion pulses through me. A slight hint of his gentle tongue nearly does me in and my legs begin to shake.

Or maybe it's the vibration in my back pocket.

I quickly grab for my phone, feeling around until I find the top button to it off but he places his hand over mine.

"Someone is trying to get ahold of you." he says, his voice lazy and hushed.

"Ignore it." I whisper, kissing him again because I don't want this moment to end. It feels too good to care, no matter how much they try.

He draws his face back and releases his hold a little. "It must be important. That is the third time it has alerted you."

Oh shit! Aunt Kelly!

I yank out my phone and see that she's sent several new texts as I frantically scroll down. It's hard to concentrate and I have to read them twice before they start making sense. Taking a deep breath I start over, reading them in order and before I have to make any more excuses, I decide to tell Dominic the truth.

"It's my Aunt." I pause for a second. "She called when I was in my, um, our room. She's worried about Uncle John..." I shake my head. "I mean her husband. She was devastated and crying-- and it's the reason I tried to leave." I glance up, expecting him to be pissed and immediately brace myself for another lecture on how dangerous it was but that doesn't happen. He's not upset at all--in fact, he actually seems almost relieved. I don't have time to analyze it because there's one last message from her I haven't read yet:

"I found him thru his phone.

He's at the cemetery.

On my way."

My eyes go wide as I instantly scan the area but there's no sign of him.

"What is it?" Dominic asks, his tone more alert as he pulls up his black hood.

He knows I'm confused—and I am.

Why would Uncle John come here? Is he looking for me? I know he's not here to see Zack. They didn't get along. Hell, Uncle John doesn't get along with anyone except his gambling buddies.

I'm still trying to spot him when Dominic reaches for my arm and pulls me to him. "Stay close." he whispers and I quickly glance in the direction he's focused on.

Uncle John is making his way toward us with someone else by his side. Someone I don't recognize. He's definitely male and enormous, like Dominic, but there's something off about him. Maybe it's the way he's walking with a slightly hunched over back that's throwing me off? All I know is Dominic is preparing for something. I can feel the anticipation practically radiating from his body.

I need to tell him he can relax.

"It's just my Uncle John." I whisper out of the side on my mouth, still watching as they approach. "I'm pretty sure we're safe." I smile at my own wit.

"He is not the one I am concerned about..."

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