Chapter 37

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After putting on a pair of skinny jeans and a gray sweater, both still smelling a little like smoke, I brush my teeth and throw on some mascara and lip-gloss. I run a quick brush through my wavy hair because I let it dry against a pillow for eight hours, so I'm about as presentable as I'm gonna be today. Unfortunately, even after a full night's sleep I'm still mentally exhausted. I should probably talk my stomach into eating. I know that's part of my problem.

Walking back to the table, I grab my phone, shoving it in my back pocket when hear three quick knocks on the door to Aunt Kelly's room.

"Kate? I have your food." she says.

Unlocking the deadbolt, I open it and look up to see her smiling back at me. But the worry behind her eyes is clear and it makes me feel like shit all over again. She has enough on her plate and doesn't need me stressing her out, too. Hell, if she only knew that I practically have a freaking bodyguard watching my every move, it might actually help her stress level. Wherever he is right now. Just the thought of him makes me scared out of my mind yet safe at the same time. Hell, I sound like some kind of schizo. Even to myself.

I take the bag of food and drink from her hands and try to my best to smile as big as I possibly can. "It smells great. Thanks." 

"You're welcome." she says, walking through the door. "Um, weren't you supposed to be at school today?"


"Oh, yeah. But it was a half-day before Thanksgiving break, so, I figured I'd sleep in."

She sighs and looks up at me. "Okay, but next time you decide not to go to school, let me know." her tone quickly changes. "They called, asking where you were. It scared the shit out of me, Kate. And when I couldn't reach you on your phone..." she stops. 

Hell, I didn't even think of that. And why would I when I was trapped under an enormous dude in a black cloak, hovering over me while some kind of flying monster was apparently trying to kill him or me. I'm not even freaking sure, anymore.

"Yeah, it kind of slipped my mind." I admit, placing the food on the tiny table as I take a seat. "I was charging my phone and forgot to turn the sound on." 

"Everything okay?" she asks, pulling out a chair next to me.

Crap. She wants to talk. 

"Yeah. I mean, the fire pretty much sucked." I look down because I hate lying to her. "I think I'm still kind of freaked out, that's all." I say, hoping she'll buy it.  I can't exactly tell her what's really going on.  

"I'm sure you are, but—wait!" her face goes white as she cocks her head. "Is--is that Zack's necklace?"

Oh, fuck. I put it on so I wouldn't lose it.

Her eyes go wide. "Kate, what the hell is going on? How in God's name do you have his necklace?!"

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