Chapter 97

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"Wait—I need to go to her," I say, jerking away from Dominic's hug as a new thought slams in my head, "I—I can help her!" my voice rises automatically as I try to wiggle my way free from his tight hold.

"Kate," Dominic locks eyes with me, the serious look on his face instantly turns my stomach. "It is too late," he whispers so low I have to watch his lips, "She has been gone too long."

"No!" I shout, finally getting free as I race toward the door. "I need to see her!" I demand, "Now!"

Dominic pulls his eyes from mine and looks over to Zack, "Let her go," he surprises me as Zack gives him a quick nod.

They both follow me out the door and Dominic catches up to my side, folding my shaky arm around his and leans over to kiss the top of my head. I barely notice as we rush through the hallways and around two corners before reaching the infirmary. Instantly, the bright lights make me squint but my eyes quickly adjust as they dart around the almost empty room. Instantaneously, I spot something. A white, shrouded body lying on a gurney with two brown cloaked Seraph Fighters on each side, as if keeping watch.

"Is that," I swallow, "her?" I look up at Dominic and his lips tighten up as he nods his head.

"Fighters," Dominic says, "Give us a few minutes, please."

The two men nod and give me a bow but I'm too distraught to acknowledge them as they head for the door, gently closing it behind them.

Zack reaches out and touches my hand, "You don't have to do this," he says, making me pause before stepping toward the body. I turn and look at him, "Yes—yes I do," my voice cracks and I can feel my legs starting to shake as I begin to lift a corner of the thin, white sheet.

"Stop," Zack whispers and I drop my hand, "I—I'll do it," he steps forward, taking in a deep breath as he slowly begins to pull back the sheet. The first thing I see is Aunt Kelly's face—still beautiful but different somehow. Like she's finally at peace and the worry that was always hidden so deeply inside her has been completely erased. Out of nowhere, warm tears begin escaping down my cheeks and my knees buckle slightly when I touch the side of her face. It's clear, I know there's nothing to be done—even I can't save her. Suddenly, I feel Dominic's warm hands underneath my arms as he quickly pulls me up, keeping me steady as try to catch my breath.

"How did she..." I stop and have to blink away the clear wall of new tears as I look up at Zack. He swallows hard and without a word, pulls the sheet back a little further and I gasp, instantly noticing the deep, angry gashes on both of her wrists.

Without a doubt, I know this is terribly wrong and unexpectedly something happens to me. Like I'm on some kind of autopilot and becoming stronger somehow. Maybe I'm in shock, maybe this is how the new me reacts, but I know falling apart isn't the answer. Not now. Not when I can rip the person who killed her to shreds.

"She didn't do this—it wasn't her." I blurt out, my eyes shifting back and forth to Dominic and Zack.

"We know." Dominic says in a low voice.

"Then why aren't we looking for who did?!" I shout, yanking my arms out of Dominic's grip because now I'm so furious and want to take a bat to every single thing in this room.

"You know exactly who caused her to do it, Katie," my brother whispers, the tone of his voice making it so clear that instant fury, like hot lava, begins to pour through my veins.

Uncle John.

I can feel my nostrils flaring and the blood rushing to my face, "Take me to him now." my voice so calm even I'm stunned by it.

"No! Not now," Zack gets out, "You're too," he pauses, and takes me by the shoulders, "Katie, it's too dangerous in your state right now. Look what he's already done!" he shouts but none of his words are reaching my sensibilities and I cock my head, knowing I have the upper hand. I can decide right here, right now what I want and neither he nor Dominic can stop me.

"Take me to that fucking monster so I can make him suffer so hard, he'll beg me to kill him."

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