Chapter 81

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I immediately glance up at Dominic, hoping the Council isn't talking about assigning him as Skylar's Warrior. I'm pretty sure I'd go completely insane if he were gone. Not to mention dealing with Victoria on my own, too.

"We have no intention of separating you from one another," the female says, like she's reading my thoughts. "We have accepted and approve of your bond." she stops. "Although, Seraph Warrior, Dominic, will be required to advise and assist the new Warrior if or when the time arises."

Wait, what?

"Assist?" I ask so quickly I barely realize the words have flown out of my mouth.

"Yes." the male on the left says, tilting his head, "Seraph Warrior, Dominic is our most skilled and qualified fighter."

I glance back to the three Council members as fresh needles poke at my gut. "I—I've seen what these Demons can do...Dominic almost lost his life saving me." I plead, practically begging them to keep him out of it. There are tons of other Warriors all over the castle. Let them handle the Demons.

Dominic loosens his grip on my hand and pulls away and I instantly look up. I don't have to be a mind reader to know he's pissed. Really pissed.

"This is not your decision." he bites out through the side of his mouth.

"Seraph Warrior, Dominic..." the female interrupts and his furious eyes pull away from mine, "The Council has also decided to award you three additional crystals. Each will perform to your will at the time of their use. Your bravery and your honor to our new Queen has been most impressive.

Dominic bows his head, ignoring the fact that I'm still staring at him, "The honor is all mine. I will do everything within my power to use them wisely and to protect the Realm," he pauses and finally looks over to me, "And my Queen."

"We are pleased to hear it," the female says as she and the other Council members immediately begin whispering in conversation. Seconds later they all look up and the male on the left says, "We have appointed Seraph Warrior, Gideon as Skylar Bennett's protector," he pauses, "Seraph Warrior, Dominic, please inform and advise him on everything that is required."

"It will be my pleasure." Dominic says as he bows his head again.

"Excellent." the female says, as she whispers something to the other Council members and then turns to look at me. "Queen Katherine Elizabeth." she pauses as if she's choosing her words carefully or wanting to have my full attention, I'm not sure. "Every decision you make within the Realm must be accompanied with pure intent."

I nod, wondering exactly what that means as I drop down into a bow so they know I heard their words.

"As you grow to know the Realm, you will begin to understand our advice and our pure intention as well. But first, you must let go of the life you once had, so you may accept the one that is waiting for you."

Out of nowhere, the wispy clouds that surround them suddenly thicken up, curling around in waves as they begin to completely shroud the Council members, eventually making them no longer visible.

"We must go." Dominic says, as I pull myself up into a full stand and turn to follow him through the already open, golden doors. The second we cross the threshold the doors automatically close, leaving me wondering if it was all just a beautiful dream. The hallways are back to being dim with only torchlight and I try to refocus my eyes and adjust to the darkness. Dominic instantly begins to walk ahead of me and I practically have to run to catch up to him. Reaching out to touch his arm, I manage to grab part of his cloak but he keeps going.

"What is up with you?" I call to him, clipping my words because now I'm getting pissed that he just walked away. He flashes around to me and I swear the wind from his cloak moved my dress.

"I am a Warrior!" he whisper-shouts, "I have always been a Warrior and I will not allow you to try and persuade the Council to keep me from my duties. Or my honor."

Holy crap.

"I—I only..."

"You may be my Queen, but I decide who, when and how I fight."

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