Chapter 68

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His words practically punch me in the gut and suddenly, I want more than just answers. I want to save Uncle John's life. Not for me but for Aunt Kelly. I can't allow this monster to destroy him, no matter how horrible he's been to me.

Dominic leans down, as if he knows what I'm thinking and whispers, "You must demand the Demon to reveal himself. You have more power over him and he knows it. Get his name and it will weaken his hold." he pauses and takes my hand. "But be quick, your uncle does not have much time."

I nod and glance back up into Uncle John's black eyes, he's smiling but I can tell he's in pain as fresh blood pools from behind him, dripping from his wrist.

"Tell me your name." I say in a low, authoritative voice, keeping my stare glued to his.

Laughter erupts from the Demon's mouth but I try to ignore it. "Why are you so protective of him?" the Demon asks, trying to avoid the question. "It's not like he's ever done you any favors." he pauses. "Well, none that you've allowed...if you know what I mean." he laughs again.

"Tell me your name, Demon." I raise my voice a little, not even trying to hold back and his expression suddenly becomes serious. I'm not sure what changed but I feel compelled to keep going. "Tell me!" I scream. "Now!"

The Demon begins to shake violently, as if I've unleashed a pack of wolves inside him. I take a step to my right to get closer to Dominic as I watch Uncle John's body contort grotesquely, even though he's still restrained. Without warning, the chair begins to lift from the floor, levitating slightly as deep growls begin filling the room from all directions. Dominic pulls his cloak around me, raising his hand and points.

"Quis Es?!" he roars, his voice reverberating off the walls, totally overpowering the Demon's growls. Instantly, the chair slams to the floor, making Uncle John's head wobble like he's an infant who has no control. My palm slams over my mouth and I can't tell if he's asleep or...


I immediately scramble to get to him but out of nowhere, I'm pulled back. Dominic glares down at me, the warning in his eyes almost palpable. "Stay here." he demands, walking toward Uncle John. I can't see the Demon's face because it's hanging, lopsided off his neck and from where I'm standing it doesn't look like he's breathing either. Dominic gets close enough to reach out and push on his shoulder but the Demon doesn't move. Dominic glances back at me, like he's making sure I haven't moved then shifts his feet, kicking the side of Uncle John's shoe. The movement must have awakened him, or he was totally faking it, I'm not sure, and he slowly raises his head.

He smiles like he's having a blast screwing with us and says, "You want my name?" his voice sounding like gravel as he looks straight at me. "Not before a little kiss from your Queen..."

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