Chapter 106

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I don't have time to acknowledge the random people greeting me with hurried bows as I rush by. I've got to get to Dominic. I've got to make him understand. Thankfully, I know my way around better than the last time I tried to leave and I head straight for the Hall of Warriors. It's the only way I know that'll get me directly to the cemetery. But, maybe I missed something the first time, maybe there's another way out?

Clearly, I've gotten the attention of several Seraph Fighters because now, all of them are following me. I'm not sure if they're trying to escort me or track me. I'm getting closer when out of nowhere, I feel a hand on my shoulder and instantly stop and look into the eyes of the man I love. My relief is overwhelming and I practically leap in his arms, "I—I thought..."

"Kate, you have to go back," he whispers in my ear, as if knowing exactly what I'm up to and my heart pounds a little faster, "No, I'm going with you!" I cry, kissing his neck as I hug him even tighter.

"It is too dangerous," he pulls back, looking me in the eyes, "I will not allow it."

"But, I—I can help!" I plead, hoping he'll listen, "What if..." I pause for a second, trying anything I can to get him to change his mind, "Skylar won't know anyone...but he'll know me," I add, wondering if my change in strategy will help.

He hesitates, taking in a deep breath like he's contemplating his options then shakes his head, "No, Kate...there are too many of them," he admits, as razor sharp needles begin to prick at my gut, "Too many who?" I ask, swallowing back the lump that just formed in my throat but he looks away, and that's when I know. That's when I realize who he meant, "H—how many Demons are there?" I whisper, bracing for the worst. He shakes his head again like he doesn't want me to know but when I take his face in my hands his eyes return to me, "Seven," he whispers, closing his eyes and I have to catch my breath.

Holy mother...

"Wait, that means...there are only six Warriors." I say under my breath and then I suddenly realize something, "it was Uncle John or actually Zull, wasn't it? He was giving the Demons information all along."

Dominic nods slightly and I wrap my arms around his neck again, "Please let me go, I—I know I can help!" I plead again, trying to ignore the even harder pricks in my stomach but I can already feel his arms letting me go.

"No, my love," he releases me and leans down to kiss my forehead, "we have several Fighters on their way," he pauses and I can actually feel his body gearing up for battle, "they will scope the area first, giving us a better advantage," his eyes look into mine, "protecting you is my first priority and this is the safest place."

I hear his words but I don't want to accept them, "but if I can save a life, isn't it worth the risk?" I whisper, reaching for his hand.

"Not when you are our Queen," he brings my hand to his lips, kissing it before letting go, "I cannot wait any longer," he says, turning around as he sprints straight toward the Hall of Warriors.

"Dominic!" I scream, but he doesn't look back, "Wait!" my legs take off after him and before I know it, I'm grabbing him by the arm as he runs down the black hallway, "Kate noooo!" is all I hear next as his hand comes around my waist and another around the back of my head, tucking me in his cloak as we spin our way through a weightless, dark abyss. I try to take a breath but there's no air and I suddenly remember that's what happened last time. Panic begins to take over and I struggle to get free but Dominic is way ahead of me, keeping me close as we fly through whatever this dark, lifeless hole actually is. Without warning, we land hard on what feels like wet grass but it doesn't matter because I can finally suck in a deep breath of sweet air.

"What have you done!" Dominic whisper-shouts, opening up his cloak, allowing the light from outside to flood all around me. My eyes instantly squint and I have to hold my hand at my forehead like a visor to scan the area. I quickly realize we've made it to the cemetery, the clouds are thick and there's a slight breeze and I smile to myself. 

We made it and we're alone...for now.

"They won't know I'm here," I say, looking up at Dominic, who's already on his feet and carrying me behind a clump of trees.

"They can smell you!" he says in a low growl and my stomach drops.

Oh shit.

"I'll hide further away," I suggest and for the first time I can see anger mixed with worry in his eyes and it's directed only at me.

"That will not help," he bites out as he gathers piles of leaves, twigs and branches, practically throwing everything on top of me. "Wait," he shakes his head, "we have to disguise your scent. Take off your grown," he commands.

Wait, what?

"Kate, if you want any chance of surviving, take it!"

The tone in his voice startles me and without hesitating, I get to my feet and turn around, looking back at him over my shoulder. For a spit second, I catch him staring down at the zipper of my dress and I swear I can actually see the desire in his eyes.

"You'll have to pull in down, I can't do it myself," I admit, embarrassed that the only thing I'm wearing underneath is an almost sheer, white slip.

Instantly, I feel a slight pull at the back of my neck and the sound of the zipper gliding down the small of my back. His warm fingers lightly brush against my flesh as tiny goose bumps completely cover my body. Stepping out, I turn around to pick it up but he beats me to it, walking away as he buries it in the pile of brush.

"Hang on," he picks up a handful of slightly damp dirt, "stand still" he says, rubbing the cool soil on my arms, my neck, my legs. His lids grow heavy and his breathing is getting quicker, like he's been running, but I know that's not what it is because I can feel it too. And if it weren't for the battle we're about to face, this moment between us would most likely end much differently.

"Kate?" I hear a familiar voice call my name, "is that you?"

My head immediately whips to my right and I see Skylar, standing with a man I don't recognize. A man who looks almost normal but there's something off about him. Something I recognize almost instantly.

"This is Zull," Skylar introduces him, "he said he knows you..."

***The End of Book 1***

Hey everyone! If you enjoyed reading Dominic and Kate's story, please share it with your friends, family, or anyone you know who likes to read! Your support means more than you can possibly know and I so appreciate all your thoughts, comments and votes! I will be starting book 2 once I have the book edited, proofread and formatted for publishing this summer! So, stay tuned because you never know...I might just start book 2 before then! Even I miss the characters after only a couple of days! ;)

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