Chapter 70

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"I command you, Zull! Leave this body!" my brother shouts, "Now!"

Something happens on Zack's last word because the room goes completely quiet. So quiet it's almost deafening.

Did we actually get rid of the Demon? Could it even be a possibility? It's hard to believe since he fooled us once already.

Opening my eyes when I hear the sound of shuffling feet, I lift my head and look out from underneath Dominic's cloak. Uncle John is still sitting in the chair but this time it's pretty clear. He's dead, or at least he sure looks that way. Zack is crouched behind him and a couple of seconds later, I watch as Uncle John's arms are freed, swinging to their to sides; one clearly missing a hand. But he's too white. It looks as though every ounce of life has been completely drained out of him.

"Hurry!" my brother looks over to us, "We need to get him to the infirmary!"

Dominic glances down at me as if checking if I'm okay and I give him a quick nod before he abruptly lets go and rushes to help Zack. I follow, hoping I can do something, anything other than being completely freaked out when Dominic swoops my uncle up like he weighs nothing. Quickly he glances at Zack and then to me and shakes his head, as if telling me it's too late but I don't want to believe it. I can't believe it.

"No! I scream. Do something!"

Without hesitation, they both rush toward the door and I shadow behind them, dreading the thought of how this will affect Aunt Kelly. How am I going to tell her? How will she ever forgive me? His death is my fault...

We're practically sprinting down the dim corridor as I try several times but fail to see Uncle John's face. He's no longer bleeding but I can tell that the bandages around his wrist, once completely white, are now drenched in blood. His body looks artificial, almost like a rag doll as he moves awkwardly with each thump of Dominic's rushed stride.

It feels as though we've been running uphill, around corners and along stretches of long hallways for miles until finally, Zack slows down and stops just outside a set of huge metal double doors. He quickly shoves one side open for us to pass when out of nowhere, a team of three men and two women surround Dominic, as if knowing we were on our way, taking Uncle John and placing him on what looks like an operating table.

"I'm not getting a pulse!" one of the men says.

Martha!" another man yells over his shoulder. "I need 3 units of O neg, stat!"

"Yes, doctor!" she says, handing him a crimson bag as the other woman immediately begins CPR.

I watch in horror as they go to work, manhandling my uncle and hoping like hell they can bring him back. Dominic takes my hand and I look up. He tilts his head toward the door and I follow his lead into the hallway.

"We must tell your Aunt." he says, suddenly glancing past me as we hear someone approaching. Hurried footsteps down the dark hallway, too close together to be male, eventually spit out what looks likes a woman and I have to squint before I realize its Aunt Kelly running straight toward us.

"Where is he?!" she screams, breathlessly.

"H—he's in there." I point at the double doors as Aunt Kelly wastes no time taking off in a run, but Dominic reaches out and pulls her back.

"Let go of me!" she screams, attempting to free her arm.

"Wait!" I say, knowing exactly why Dominic stopped her. He immediately moves in front of the double doors and releases his grip on her.

"Aunt Kelly, he's—he's not..."

"Get out of my way!" she interrupts, screaming at Dominic and not even listening to me. I yank her other arm so hard I almost apologize, trying to get her attention as she jerks her eyes in my direction—the same eyes that used to be a dark brown but are now a new shade of deep green. Automatically my breath hitches but she doesn't notice as she struggles to pull her arm away.

"You have to stop!" I shout, getting nowhere with her until I finally decide I have no choice. I have to tell her why.

He's dead!" I shout, and she instantly stops and drops to her knees. Her palms quickly rush to her face but her cries are loud and clear. I kneel down to touch her shoulder but she flinches my hand away, like she already knows it's my fault.

And she's right. It is.

All of it...

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