Chapter 7

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The mood is instantly lifted, thank God, and I'm suddenly grateful Skylar's not upset that I went off on him. He's cool like that but sometimes I take advantage of his kindness.

I need to work on that.

Opening one side of the double door, Skylar waits for me to step inside then follows behind. It's ear piercingly loud and the familiar smell of school immediately hits me. A subtle combination of pencils, books, and the gymnasium mixed with an overpowering aroma of men's and women's cologne. It's enough to give anyone sensitive to smells a massive headache until 4th period when it finally calms down to just plain B.O.

Making our way to the lockers, I open mine quickly, stuffing in my backpack before old papers and wadded up wrappers of gum tumble out. I have a bad habit of using it as a trash can.

Probably should work on that, too.

After the first bell rings the noise level subsides a few decibels and I notice Skylar's leaning on the locker next to me looking down at his phone. I pick up a few pieces of paper that somehow escaped to the floor and wonder why he's still here.

"You can go, I'll see you at lunch." I suggest.

He looks up at me as if he's hearing me for the first time. "Oh." he shakes his head. "Yeah. Okay." he smiles. "I'm playing Minecraft with a dude in Sweden. He's fucking great at it."

I roll my eyes and laugh, "Put your phone away and go learn something."

His lips curl into a smile but he doesn't look up. He types a few words into the phone before turning it off and slipping it in his back pocket.

"Okay, see ya later." he winks and walks away.

Skylar doesn't have anything to worry about, his grade point average is never below a 4.0. Hell, he's the main reason I'm passing all my classes. He's like the perfect guy (smart, good-looking, athletic) so why can't I be normal and like him as a boyfriend? I shake my head, wondering why I'm so freaking weird and head toward my first period class.

I hope my heart isn't making a huge mistake.


When the last bell rings I can hardly wait to get to my car. After lunch I decided I should approach the man at the cemetery. I tried talking to Skylar about it when we were sitting together but he whipped out his phone and started playing his stupid game with the dude from Sweden. Suddenly, I understood why I feel the way I do about him. He's a sweetheart and I couldn't have made it through these past few years of high school without him but in many ways, he's still a kid. I need more than that because I so don't feel like one. Not after the shit life I've been dealt.

The last few hours of school have been torture. Mostly because I've been a nervous a wreck, trying to think of ways I can approach the man. I've even rehearsed the conversation, playing out every scenario. If he's nice, it'll be easy, but if he's not or if he's shy or something else, I'll probably need to back off.

Before I do anything, I have to go by the library and drop off an almost over-due book. It'll still put me there earlier than normal but hopefully, the extra time will help settle me down. I already have spikes in my stomach just thinking about what I'm going to do and say.

I'm halfway to the parking lot, noticing how much colder it is outside, when my phone chirps. I look down and see Skyar's name at the top.

"Chemistry notes. You still want them?" it reads.

"Yes, can I come by later?" I reply.

"Come around 7. I have practice after school."


One thing about Skylar, the boy can throw a mean football. He's been the starting quarterback every year since 8th grade. The coaches were so impressed with him as a freshman they bumped him up to varsity at the beginning of sophomore year--and that's rare. Especially in Texas where football fans are borderline obsessive.

I pull into the library parking lot, following the drive-thru drop off lane and place the Jane Austen book in the slot. I'm only minutes away from the cemetery and the prickly needles are back in my gut with a vengeance. I've got to calm myself down.

My body is starting to shake but it's not from nervousness--it's gotten really cold outside. I reach down and turn on the heater and look up. The sun was shining this morning but heavy clouds are now blanketing the sky. Luckily, I'm wearing a sweater and when I glance at the back seat, I see the gray hoodie I left on the floorboard a week ago and I'm suddenly grateful my organizational skills are lacking.

The clouds are also making it look a lot darker than it normally would at this time of day, giving what I'm about to do a particular ominous feel. No help at all to my already knotted stomach.

I park just inside the cemetery iron gates then reach back and slip on the hoodie before checking my face in the visor mirror. No food in my teeth and my mascara is in tact.


I slowly open the door and my hair is immediately swept up by wind, whipping it in all directions. Whatever is causing these clouds to roll in is also packing a punch.

God I hope it doesn't rain.

Pulling the hood over my head, I manage to push all my brown strands in so I can see where I'm going. Zack's grave is just over the hill and as I approach I see someone crouched next to a headstone as if bracing themselves from the wind. My hearts starts pounding when I realize it's him. The man in the dark coat.

So much for preparing myself.

I'm within twenty feet of him when he slowly stands, turning his face directly toward me.

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