Chapter 90

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Dominic clears his throat, pulling his eyes from mine and looks back to Gideon, "I recommend you assign shifts of five Seraph Fighters at a time to watch over the Bennett family home." he looks around the table, "Obviously, you will need to be cloaked at all times so no one will see you," he looks back to Gideon, "Once we know the Demon's habits and have a better timeframe of when they are planning to take Skylar, that is when you will send a Fighter back to inform the rest of the Warriors."

Gideon nods in acknowledgement and straightens up in his chair, "If everything goes to plan, there will be no need for a battle." he glances around the table at his men, "That is our first priority." he looks up at me, "Dominic will stay with the Queen unless we require him."

I perk up because, why the hell didn't Dominic tell me that in the first place?

Dominic's eyes instantly dart over to Gideon as if he wasn't expecting him to say that last part. "The Queen can be protected by another Warrior." he says in a low voice, still staring at Gideon, "It is my duty to be prepared at all times."

Gideon leans in on the table like he's trying to keep the conversation from getting out of control, "The Council is forbidding your involvement..." he pauses for a second, "Unless we have no other choice."

Dominic rubs his jawline and I can tell he's beyond frustrated. He wants to join them, he wants to fight—that much is clear. He takes another drink from the wine glass as Gideon pulls back and leans against his chair and says, "After dinner, we will meet in the Great Hall for shift assignments." he only looks at the other men, "We will begin protecting the Bennett home straight away."

For the next thirty minutes I can practically slice the tension between Dominic and Gideon as it continues to build between each course. It's as if something else is going on between them—something I don't know yet.

Several more minutes go by and finally, Dominic pulls back in his chair and I follow suit. He instantly looks over to me for the first time since he and Gideon had words, almost like he forgot I was even sitting next to him and my heart drops. Is he seriously that focused on fighting that he can remove me from of his mind so easily? He shakes his head as if realizing the error of his ways and offers me his arm. I take it because it's what I'm supposed to do but it doesn't matter now because I'm no longer hurt, I'm freaking pissed out of my mind.

The second we walk through the double doors, Dominic glances down at me , "I need to have a word with Gideon. I will not be long." he says, letting go of my arm before I can say anything as I watch him stop Gideon only steps away.

"I will speak to the Council and..." Dominic gets out but he's interrupted.

"It has already been decided." Gideon says in a warning voice, "I will only tell you this once because I am not sure my tongue can acknowledge it again," he pauses and takes in a deep breath, "You have proven to me and to everyone here that you are our best and most fierce fighter. You are much too valuable to place into action when we have capable men willing and ready to do the job." he whispers in a serious tone.

Dominic stares at him for a few seconds as if contemplating his next move or maybe what his next words will be and says, "I only did it to teach you."

Gideon darts his eyes to the men walking by and then back to Dominic, "And you made me a better Warrior because of it—as much as I hate to admit." he pauses and looks at me for a second, "Now allow us to do our duty. Your Queen needs you."

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