Chapter 9

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Several minutes have gone by and I'm still following him, trying to keep up. He's fast and knows his way around the forest, stopping only when I get too far away to easily navigate through the narrow path. 

Did he make it? Has it been here all along?

I look up and see that the clouds have gotten thicker, making the shadows of the dense forest even darker. Lightening shoots sideways across the horizon as distant rumbles of thunder accompany. If I weren't blindly running behind some random dude in a strange forest, I'd be happy to be reading a good book in bed, snuggled under my covers. The more I think about it, the crazier it sounds so I stop, wondering if I should go back and forget this insanity. 

What the hell am I doing?

Sounds of rustling from stepped on leaves and brushed against branches come toward me, confirming he's on his way back and I start to panic. 

Holy shit. 

What should I do? Run away? Tell him, "Sorry but, I don't wanna play anymore?" 

I barely have time to reprimand myself because he's suddenly standing directly in front of me. I flinch, giving out a startled gasp. The hood of his cloak is completely covering his face and all I see is darkness when I look up. I'm frightened but can't make myself do anything but freeze in place. But there's something about his movement, something gentle and non-threatening.

He reaches out his hand to me and I hesitate because somehow I know the moment I take it, my life will change. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but relieving me of my horrible thoughts is the sole reason I reach out, and I take it.

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