Chapter 6

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I pull in to an already packed school parking lot but I manage to find a space all the way in the back as I shift what used to be my mother's Volvo into park. Aunt Kelly thought it was the safest of the no-longer-needed vehicles and it was also the one I was most used to driving. Every time I get in I feel closer to Mom because in a morbidly weird way, I like that it still smells like her too.

I reach over to grab my backpack from the passenger's seat and I'm startled when I see Skylar standing with his hands in his pockets right outside my window.

"Hey, you." he says, his expression brightening into a smile when I look up at him.

"Hey." I say back, opening my door and hoping he doesn't give me the third degree before school even starts.

"Walk ya to class?"

"Okay." I shut the door and begin walking toward the school. He falls into step beside me and I'm sure he's about to ask why I didn't show up yesterday. I need to think of an answer and fast.

His eyes dart over at me, then he hesitates and clears his throat. "Everything okay?" His tone is laced with concern.

I'm not sure if I'm just not in the mood to talk or if what he asked (or actually) how he asked it, pissed me off--but suddenly, I'm furious. I stop which makes him do the same and he turns to look back at me. He's worried that I'm slipping back into a black hole again. I can see it in his eyes, his expression confirms it.

Holy Hell.

"I'm fine." I bite back, trying to stave off my anger and not walk away from him. He knows how bad my depression got. He also knows I shove my emotions, pain, hurt, what-the-hell-ever, way down inside.

"Kate." he pauses as if trying to choose his words wisely because it's clear I'm angry. "You can't overcome it on your own. It doesn't work that way."

"Stop trying to analyze my every move. I said I'm fine." I lie.

His face drops and I feel like shit. Beside the fact that I know he wants us to be more, he's been a good and loyal friend to me. He's also pretty much the only one I have left so I take his hand and squeeze my fingers in his. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just being a little sensitive this morning." He shakes his head and glances over and I catch the slight relief behind his eyes.

"Remind me not to ask you any questions before 8:00 am."

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