Chapter 101

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Dominic looks away and I can already tell he doesn't approve of my choice of words, "This is not a game, Kate." his cautious tone reminding me of his love.

I reach up my hand, cupping the right side of his face and his eyes come back to me, "I know that, but if I can get some kind of retaliation, some kind of revenge..." I stop because I hear my own words out loud and instantly shake my head. I have to stop thinking of just myself. I'm starting to realize that now.

Looking back up to Dominic I can tell by the expression on his face that he knows. He knows I'm trying to slow my wheels from spinning. I have to start listening, I have to start asking the right questions, "How can I keep from losing my temper? I'm still so angry with him, or the Demon, hell, whatever he is."

He smiles a little, as if sympathizing with me and places his hand over mine, "You must throw away all of your perceived notions of your Uncle John. He is the Demon now and there is no saving the man that he used to be."

"I don't want to save him, not at all," I pause as the memory of what he did tears through me, "But what I would like to do is cut off his..."

"That is just it, Kate. If you allow him to get to you, you are handing over every ounce of your power." Dominic interrupts.

Wait, that's it...he's' right. I have to focus on Skylar and how I can help him. Even though Uncle John abused me and he influenced Aunt Kelly to take her own life, I still need to keep Skylar a priority. I can't change what he did but I can at least stop the Demon from doing any more harm.

Out of nowhere, the door to the bathroom opens, pulling us out of our thoughts as we whip our heads in the same direction. Victoria suddenly appears in the doorway, "Your Highness, we must get you dressed."

I look down, forgetting once again that I'm still in the same bath robe and I shoot her a quick nod. She gives me a nervous smile back and I glance up at Dominic, "I won't be long." I say, dropping my eyes to his lips and he pulls me close, "I will be by your side the whole time," he whispers and leans down, tenderly kisses my lips. "Now, go get dressed. Zack is waiting.

"Give me five minutes." I say over my shoulder as I bolt toward the bathroom. "And Dominic," I stop glancing back to him, "Thank you."

He tilts his head with a confused look on his face, "For what?"

I take a second and really look at the man I love. The masculine features of his handsome face and the sheer power of his being, standing before me, no matter how unsure I am of myself. This man is still with me, ready to fight, "For believing in me." I whisper back.

His grins, making his face completely light up, "It is you I have to thank." he says in a hushed voice, "You have turned my whole world completely upside-down and I am a better man for it."

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