Chapter 31

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The Watchman's hands slip underneath the small of my back and behind my knees as he effortlessly lifts me to his chest. I can't help but lean my head against him as I wrap my hand around his warm, thick neck. His breath catches at that very second and I instantly look up. I'm met with deep brownish-yellow eyes and if I weren't so focused on them, I'd swear we just had a moment. 

He turns around and I have to hold on because the power behind his stride shifts my body. I'm waiting for the pain to return because I almost forgot that it's completely gone. My brain hasn't caught up with that fact yet. Somehow I'm healed but now my heart is starting to pound harder in my chest. 

Did that just happen? Should I be scared? 

As if he can read my thoughts he cradles me closer and walks toward Zack. I'm not sure if he thinks I'm gonna fight him and try to escape or if he knows I'm confused as hell right now. The warmth of his body next to mine and the familiar scent of his skin begins to calm my nerves and when I look to my left, I see Zack, standing next to a huge rock. The same rock the Watchman kneeled next to the first time I came. Only now it's glowing a soft white and I think I hear a humming sound.

We get closer and the Watchman stops, easing me to the floor but never quite letting go until he's sure I'm steady on my feet. His hands finally pull away and I instantly look up. His black hood is already up as he stands next to me, as if ignoring the intimacy we just shared. Or the intimacy I thought we shared.

"How do you feel?" Zack asks, stepping toward me with his hands out. I take them, noticing the warmth of them but something is off. Somehow they don't feel solid. 

Wait, huh? How is that possible? Hell, how is any of this possible?

"I know you have questions and I will answer them. But first, I need to get you home." 

"Master." The Watchman interrupts.

"Dominic, she can't stay. Not yet. I need to make preparations." he looks down at my hands. "She's not like us."

"Yes, you are right." 

I have to force myself to ignore the Watchman used that word again to identify my brother and blurt out. "Wait, why can't you tell me now? I don't want to go home!" I demand.

"You must trust me, Katie." Zack says, in a low, soothing tone as he stares at me with his crazy, new blue eyes. And for some reason I want to do as he says and decide to stop with the arguing.

"Okay." I answer, still holding his gaze when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Dominic, take her back like we discussed. And make it quick."

Suddenly, I'm being lifted as The Watchman's hands slip underneath me and I'm cradled in his arms once again. His intoxicating scent of musk and masculine envelops me and instantly, I can't think of anything else. 

"Close your eyes." the Watchman says before a web of white light completely shrouds us both... 

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