Chapter 34

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Tapping the key fob to lock the car, I begin walking up the steps to my room and can actually feel the Watchman's eyes on me. Which is weird, because that's never happened. Until now, I've only seen him at the graveyard, except when the house was on fire. Is it because I'm becoming more aware of him? Or did something change? I definitely feel different. Even safer, somehow. Which is a huge relief after everything that's happened. Or wait, everything that's happened but now hasn't. The Watchman even changed that too. Hours of my life have been wiped away and I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around all of this. Surreal doesn't even cover it because this seems way more like a dream. A really crazy, scary, and yes, somewhat amazing dream.

Inserting the card key in the slot, I push the door open, immediately closing it before attaching the chain lock. Which is funny, since now, I know it'll work on everyone but him.

The Watchman disappeared right in front of me and a stupid little chain isn't going to stop him. I'm sure of that now. I'm sure of a lot of things I don't want to know or thought was even possible. What he can do defies all comprehension and reasoning...and just thinking about it frightens me.

I need to refocus and somehow shut off my brain. I've been so consumed by everything that's happened, my mind is beginning to unravel. I've seen the impossible happen over and over again and honestly, I probably really am going insane because I'm sure as hell no longer questioning it. None of this can actually be real--none of it. But had I not witnessed the irrationality of it all with my own eyes, I'd laugh at the person trying to convince me otherwise.

My mouth is dry and suddenly I'm thirsty or maybe hungry. Definitely both. It feels like days since I've eaten a proper meal and the more I think about it, the hungrier I get. But before I do anything I have to take a quick shower and then I'll check out the mini bar. Yes, eating and drinking heavily sounds fantastic right now.

I walk into the sterile motel bathroom and turn on the faucet. Holding my hand under the flow, the water is instantly warm so I shed my clothes and step in. I'm immediately soothed as tiny rivers stream down my skin, practically stripping away the past few hours I'm trying so hard to forget.

At least for now, anyway...

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