Chapter 27

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This time I'm fully conscience as I lie flat on my stomach under his cloak, but I can't see even a speck of light. I only have my sense of hearing and touch to rely on and automatically flinch when what sounds like violent animalistic growls take over the silent night air from just seconds ago. The Watchman's body immediately huddles closer to me while more guttural snarls seem to be coming from every possible direction above us. I'm too frightened to move as the pounding of my heart booms in my ears at a deafening pace.

Out of nowhere, something sounding a lot like shooting flames and then flapping of large wings, swooping through the air and I'm quickly questioning my own sanity. Out of habit my eyes dart from side to side, trying to follow the shrieks above us and I'm instantly imagining mythical creatures I've only read about in fantasy books. 

What the hell? 

"You cannot have her!" a familiar voice shouts.

Wait, was that was Zack?

I want to scream out for him but know I can't. I'm trapped and am now pretty sure he and the Watchman are protecting me from someone or more likely, something. 

Holy shit.

Seconds go by like hours as I can only imagine the terror going on above me. The Watchman's body is practically lying against mine with maybe only a thread separating us. His body was warm at first but now I'm beginning to sweat the closer he becomes. Claustrophobia doesn't even cover how I'm starting to feel and I'm relieved when a slight pop of air hits my face.

Without warning, the black shield keeping me in the darkness suddenly disappears and the cool night air is as still as before. I frantically look around as I lift myself into a sitting position, spotting two figures just behind me. One is Zack and the other is the Watchman, who is also using Zack as a crutch. His breathing is labored like he can't catch enough oxygen. 

"Zack!" I shout and they both snap their heads toward me as I jump to my feet.

"Katie!" he instantly raises his hand. "Stay back!" 

I freeze in place as his attention goes directly back to the Watchman.

"You must take another crystal." Zack says to him. 

And then I see it. The Watchman's cloak is ripped to shreds, completely covered in blood while a mist of smoke billows from several deep gashes all over his back. 

The Watchman nods, glancing over at me, his eyes glowing a bazaar yellowish hue as they shift back to Zack. 

"I'll take care of her, now go!" Zack waves his hands like their wands and incredibly, the Watchman is gone. Only the stench of burning flesh remains. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed any of it. 

Zack turns toward me, taking cautious steps in my direction. 

"It's okay now, Katie. It's over...for now."

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