Chapter 23

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The air remains damp and there's still no sound of crickets or even birds. I don't have time to think any further because The Watchman is darting in and out of trees and brush so quickly I have to stay aware of his every move. And like before, we're definitely following a well established, albeit hidden, path. Occasionally, I'll see him look back to make sure I'm keeping up.

After several more minutes, I swear I've jogged a mile and we're still going. My side is beginning to cramp and I need to take a break so I slow down and stop, leaning against a tree as I try to catch my breath. Out of nowhere, I'm scooped up under a black cloak or wait, a wing or something, I can't be sure because as quickly as it happens we stop and I'm let go to stand on my own two feet again.

What the...

It's pitch back and all I hear is shuffling and what sounds like flapping. Like a large bird's wings. Suddenly, my attention is drawn to a flicker of light on a torch anchored to the stone wall. Then another. My eyes quickly adjust and I realize we're back at the cave as The Watchman stands frozen before me. As usual, I only see his black shape and of course, he's not saying anything. I'm scared but not in a frantic way. Somehow, this feels safe but he makes me nervous as hell.

"W-who are you?" I get out.

"I told you who I am." his familiar deep voice resonates throughout the cave.

"The Watchman? Yeah, um, you're gonna need to give me more than that."

"I was sent to protect you." he says, remaining frozen in place.

"Okaaay. But why? And by who?" I say, trying not to offend him with too many questions.

"Zack." he responds and walks toward the large rock with the crystals lined up.

It feels like my heart drops into my stomach and I feel instantly nauseous. Then it suddenly picks back up, beating so fast I'm sure he can hear it. "Wait, what? My brother? That's impossible. He's dead."

"No, he is one of us." The Watchman replies.

"You are not making sense!" I say, walking toward him while every emotion I haven't let go of for months slam their way the surface. "Stop screwing with me! My brother was my life and his body is buried in that grave I visit almost every single day!" My screams echo along the walls while tears roll down my cheeks.

His head shifts and he looks over at me, locking his eyes with mine and I see their slight yellow glow underneath his black hood.

"He has come for you..."

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