Chapter 69

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Without warning, the door opens but before I can see who it is, I notice the Demon shuffling in his chair, like he's preparing himself for battle. "Well, well, well...if it isn't the Master himself." he chuckles. "Looks like someone called in the big guns."

Zack walks methodically into the room, the loud clicking from his shoes help drive the point home that he means business. I'm instantly relieved as I glance back at the Demon whose expression is filled with mockery, but there's something else behind it. Could it be fear? Apprehension? Whatever it is, I have no doubt that the Demon is now on high alert.

"Come to help your little sissy and her boyfriend, I see." the Demon spouts off. "Oh wait, I mean, her husband to be." he directs his eyes to me and then to Dominic. "Oh and you better be careful." he sing-songs, "I don't think a pregnant Queen wearing all white on her wedding day sends a very good message."

Before I even look at Dominic, I can feel the lava festering through his veins. The Demon is trying to piss him off and he's doing an excellent job. Clearly a strategic move, I have no doubt. The Demon wants nothing to do with Zack or maybe it's the fact that there are now three of us, and if he can somehow keep the attention on Dominic or even me, maybe he'll have a fighting chance.

Zack stops just next to Dominic and me but keeps his eyes locked on the black eyes now staring back at him. "That's enough!" he bites out. "Tell us your name!"

The Demon laughs again like this is all child's play.

"Tisk, tisk, Zack." he mocks my brother then coughs a little, and I can see Uncle John's coloring getting whiter by the second. "You're seriously gonna have to do better than that."

Zack leans over to Dominic and whispers, "She should not be here. She's not ready." he glances at me, thinking I didn't hear him—but I did.

Dominic stays silent, as if ignoring Zack and looks back at the Demon whose continuing to suck the life out of Uncle John. "You will tell me your name, Demon." he commands, pulling a cross out of his cloak.

It's not just any cross, it's a freaking masterpiece that looks like it could be from the middle ages. The gold surface alone is beautifully carved and intricate and it has the most spectacular deep, ruby red stones, set on each end. If I didn't know any better I'd swear it was yanked straight out of one of those Egyptian tombs or at least, the Smithsonian.

"Tell. Me. Your. Name!" Dominic staccatos between each word, and this time, it's as if each letter is being laser cut into the Demon. Screams and horrific animalistic cries shoot out of Uncle John's mouth and suddenly, a rush of sadness, anger and resentment pour into me, like I'm some kind of funnel. I nearly fall to the ground but Dominic pulls me up, wrapping his cloak around my body.

"I am Zull!" the Demon spits out, like the words are being ripped from of his mouth one single tooth at a time. Zack grabs the cross from Dominic's hand and moves closer. The Demon twists back and forth, contorting his body like he's fighting his way out of a straight jacket and Zack leans down, as if taking advantage of the moment. He touches the thick cross to Uncle John's forehead and instantly, I can hear the horrendous sizzle when it lands, like he's being branded.

"Go back to hell where you belong!" Zack commands, shaking something at him from what looks like a small white bottle. Almost immediately, otherworldly shrieks and screams from voices I haven't heard yet blast around the room and I slam my eyes shut, tightening my grip around Dominic's waist...

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