Chapter 15

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I don't have time to think about it because Aunt Kelly is hugging the life out of me.

"Thank God you're okay!" she says in my ear.

"I'm fine." I say back, wondering how long she'll keep me in a vice-hold.

She pulls back, keeping her hands firmly cupped on the tops of my shoulders. "I made soup. You hungry?" 

"Yeah, sounds good." I say automatically; so deep in thought about what I just saw I probably would have agreed to anything.

Was it really him? Or was it just my imagination? 

"Hey cutie." My uncle says, winking as I walk past him to the kitchen. 


"Hey, Uncle John." I reply with little enthusiasm because I can't stand him. 

He's made Aunt Kelly's life a living hell for years. Mostly because he barely works; only taking jobs here and there when he feels like it. Then, spending every penny of it, gambling it away or buying beer. The other day I smelled pot when I took out the trash and I knew it was him behind the fence, puffing away. He's such a loser and it's hard to see what my aunt saw in him but according to her, he was very different in high school. He had goals and wanted to be a Veterinarian. Even went to school for a couple of years before dropping out. 

Apparently, after he and my aunt lost their one and only child at birth, ten years ago, everything went downhill from there. He wanted a son so badly and that's what he got but it nearly cost Aunt Kelly her life. I think he even blames her for losing the baby. Asshole. And now, he just survives, spending money Aunt Kelly makes working for the assistant principal at the middle school. Which isn't much. 

I've thought about getting a job to help but Aunt Kelly won't allow it. She says the money Mom and Dad (and now Zack) left me is more than enough. I've tried several times to help her but she won't take any of my money. Deep down I know she feels responsible for her bad choices. The first being marrying a douche like John. I'm baffled as to why she doesn't divorce him. She's beautiful and kind and smart as hell. She could seriously have any guy she wanted. But, my guess is there's too much history between them and she now feels responsible for him, too. 

Out of nowhere, a flash of white light, instantly followed by an incredibly loud crack of thunder, makes both of us jump at the same time.

"Holy shit!" Aunt Kelly shouts, clearly startled by it as her hand goes to her mouth. 

"I think it hit the house!" Uncle John screams, running upstairs two at a time. "Kelly, call 911!"

She races for her phone on the coffee table and begins frantically dialing but she's pushing too many buttons. 

"Fucking passcode, c'mon!" Relief hits her face when she finally punches in the correct numbers. "Help! Lightening hit our house!" she screams then her face contorts with fury. "I'm not going to keep calm while you ask me stupid questions! My house is on fire!! she pauses. "5311 Early Court Drive..." 

We both look up when black smoke suddenly begins to rush down in heavy, billowing waves from upstairs. 

"John!" Aunt Kelly screams, dropping the phone.

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