Chapter 87

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I'm not sure if it's the expression on my face or if he's feeling it too, but Dominic suddenly looks past me and says, "We need some time," his voice almost a whisper. My back is to Zack but after Dominic gives him a quick nod, I hear footsteps heading toward the door.

The gentle click of the latch confirms we're alone and he instantly locks eyes with me as he reaches up to cup my face, "I have no intention of dying now, or anytime soon."

I blink, spilling new tears down my cheeks as he wipes away a few with his thumb, "It's my fault you that you have to go at all." I say in a whisper, watching his lips curl into a slight smile.

"If I have to fight, it should be for the woman I love," his voice hushed, sending goose bumps up up my neck. I reach out, pulling him into a hug as his huge arms wrap around my waist. But I also can't help thinking of my best friend, "I'm so afraid for Skylar. What if—what if..."

"I will keep him safe," Dominic whispers in my ear, "You have my word."

"That's just it. I don't doubt you at all." I tell him, "I--I doubt those bastard Demons, watching his every move."

Dominic pulls away with a new serious look on his face, "That is why it is so urgent to act now," he pauses, "So we can prepare before they attempt to take him."

"Holy...take—take him where?" I ask, not really wanting to know. I'm already getting nauseated just thinking about the possibilities.

"They will have to remove him from his environment and take him into theirs," he answers, his voice riddled with caution.

I swallow, trying not to think about the vile churning in my gut, "W--where would they take him?"

He looks away and says, "A place..." stopping for a second as he closes his eyes, "A place we can never allow him to go."

Holy shit.

"Wait, do you..." I stop myself because I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, "Do you—like, Hell?"

Dominic nods slightly, instantly making me realize something and I talk before thinking, "Oh my God, wait a second, are you telling me that Uncle John..."

"Yes," he interrupts, "And once they go, there is almost no hope."

"Almost?" I repeat his word and his eyes lock with mine, their color fading in and out of yellow and brown.

"There is only one way a soul can be saved once they enter the depths of hell ," he says, dropping his hands from my waist, "They must want to be delivered from the darkness more than they want to live," his face changes, "That is when you will know if there is a shred of goodness left inside."

"So you're saying that that's what I'll have to figure out when I talk to Uncle John?" I whisper, wondering how I'm going to face that same, horrible Demon who seemed to know so much about my life.

"If he is fully immersed in the darkness, your Uncle will have no recollection of love, only power." Dominic says, answering the next question I had in my head.

"I just hope I can tell the difference before it's too late." I admit, rubbing my hands together.

"You are also a Seer." he says, coming so close we're practically touching, "Your abilities are more powerful than you realize." he says, as I take his face in my hands and kiss his lips harder than I've kissed him ever before. I feel his arms wrap around me as the wind from his cloak breezes against my skin--our mouths moving in delicious unison while his body, his scent, his lips intoxicate my senses. I press harder against him, allowing my mind to escape when suddenly, he pulls back as if out of breath, "You have no idea how hard it is to stop myself," his eyes the perfect mix of yellow-brown, "But we must focus for now, my love."

I close my eyes again, taking in a deep breath of rosemary from his skin as the rawness on my lips deepen from the scruff on his face, and it's as if I've been energized. Like I've been plugged in and charged for hours and I smile before looking up into his eyes, "Then it looks like we have some ass kicking to do."

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