Chapter 74

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"Now, get some rest," his voice is deep and hushed, like he's still caught up in the moment, but I'm pulled out of my lustful thoughts by his choice of words. It's hard to think about resting when I look up into his amazing yellow-brown eyes.

"Can't you stay?" I ask, "Until I fall asleep?"

He shakes his head slightly and leans forward to stand, "Zack and I must attend to a few things."

I cock my head, "What things?"

Dominic takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, like he's not sure he wants to tell me. "It's nothing you need to worry about now."

"What do you mean, nothing I need to worry" I ask, accentuating the last word.

"Never mind, Kate," he says, "We will discuss everything with you in the morning."

"Yeah, yeah," I have to catch myself from rolling my eyes, "You and Zack keep telling me that," I pause, "But the truth is, neither one of you has told me much of anything—this entire time."

"It's not that simple," Dominic begins to pace, "The process takes time. There are rules and traditions—but most of all, there is honor," he stops, locking eyes with me, "We all have a duty to protect the realm."

"Realm?" I ask as needles begin to prick at my gut. "It would seriously be nice if someone finally clued me in."

Dominic tilts his head, like he's revealing a secret, "Now that you have transitioned, it is time."

"It is?" I ask.

"Yes. Tomorrow morning, you will be presented before the Seraph Council," his expression becomes more intense, "Something you will soon be quite acquainted with."


"That sounds pretty important." I say, looking around the room for my clothes.

Dominic smiles, as if he's reading my thoughts and takes my hand. "Do not worry, you will have everything you need after you rest," he pauses like he just remembered something. "You will also have an assistant to help you with the proper dress and etiquette."

"What," I laugh, "like a lady-in-waiting?" I blurt out as the nervous pricks start to feel more like tiny knives tossing around in my stomach.

"Yes, something very similar to that. Her name is, Victoria and she has been with me..." he stops and shakes his head as if he didn't mean to say the 'me' part. "She is one of many, Seraph Followers who assist our leaders."

I didn't even hear the last part, I'm still wondering who this Victoria chick is.

"What did you mean, 'she's been with you?'" I ask, trying not to seem as jealous as I feel right now.

His face changes and I can tell there's something between them. I'm not sure what it is and I'm trying like hell not to think the worst but it's almost impossible.

Dominic bends down and kisses my forehead, "Sleep my Queen. All will be more clear in the morning." he says, walking toward the door as he pulls up on the latch. When the door opens, I can see a few people, standing just outside like they're waiting for him and almost instantly I notice a woman, smiling up at him. She's beautiful and looks young like me and I watch him walk past her, as if he doesn't notice she was there.

The door gently closes and my mind is on overload with questions. Who was she? And, was she actually waiting for him? It sure seemed that way.

Shit, it's going to be a long night...

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