Chapter 95

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Three quick knocks at the door startles me out of Dominic's amazing, deep, kiss and all I want to do is throw something at the person who did it.

"Your Majesty?" Victoria's voice rushes in the room. "Can I get you anything before you retire?" her eyes instantly go to Dominic who's still holding me and he looks up.

"No!" I get out so quickly it's obvious what we were doing before she barged in. And she knows it.

"Thank you." I softly say, hoping it'll soften the blow. I don't want to fight with her or start any more trouble, but I do have to get her to understand—unless I need her, stay out. But, this is not the time or place to do that, so I smile and say, "I'll see you in the morning."

Victoria returns my smile and glances back at Dominic before dropping into a full bow, escaping out the door.

And now, everything just got seriously awkward.

"It is getting late." Dominic whispers and I look up to him, "No." my arms tighten around his waist, "Stay a little longer." I practically beg.

He takes in a deep breath and gently pulls away my arms and steps back.

Now it's official, I want to kill Victoria.

"We have a difficult day ahead of us—you should go to bed." his voice still a whisper as he turns around.

I take his hand, stopping him and he looks down at me, "I'm not sure how long I can keep stopping--" I look away because I want him so badly, "without it physically hurting."

His eyes blink for a second, "It's excruciating." he says under his breath, letting go of my hand as he walks out.

I'm not sure if I want to cry or feel elated that he's just as torn. Either way, tonight's the first night I wish like hell we were already married.


I must have been more tired than I thought because out of nowhere, I hear shuffling footsteps and open my eyes.

Holy crap, it's already tomorrow?

"Good morning, Your Highness." Victoria says in a cheery voice. "I trust you slept well?"

Trying to get my eyes to focus I find her standing at the armoire, laying out clothes on the bench at the foot of the bed. "Yeah—yeah, I think I did, thanks." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm happy to hear it," she says, smiling back at me and I can't help wondering if she's actually being sincere. I don't know her well enough to know for sure so I decide to watch her for a second, studying her body language and facial expressions.

"I've already run you a bath," she says, walking back and forth comparing jewelry with the gown she laid out.

"Okay, thanks—I really appreciate it." I purposely add the last part to see if she looks up and she does.

"Oh—it, it's not a problem at all. I'm happy to do it," she looks away and I can instantly tell she's not used to anyone thanking her...or at least not often, anyway.

Shit, now I feel a little sorry for her.

"So, tell me." I start, because I have another thought, "Before I came along, were you someone else's Follower?" I ask, hoping she'll open up to me.

"Yes," she says, looking down as she continues to compare earrings with the necklace she picked out. "I am still in his service."

"His?" I chime in before she can finish.

She nods and my stomach drops. Please do not tell me it's for him. I can't take another blow before I face Uncle John. Not today.

"Yes," she tilts her head like she thought I already knew, "I am also Zack's Follower."

Wait, what?

I almost have to stop myself from running up to her and hugging the crap out of her, "My brother? You're his Follower, too?" I say, not even trying to hide my relief.

"Why yes. It is not a secret." she adds, "I have been his Follower since he arrived several months ago," she stops and I can tell she's holding something back, "However, he does not require much of my time," she looks away.

Uh, oh...there's more to this story.

"I'm sure he's probably really busy. Especially now that I'm here." I say, watching her eyes come back to me.

"Yes. H—he's very busy," she says, but the hurt behind her expression is clear.

Holy shit, she's in love with him...

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