Chapter 60

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"You sent him home?" I ask, while the bright light of the flash continues to mess with my vision. "Don't they know about him? The Demons, I mean."

"No." Zack answers. "The only Demon who saw him was Malum and he's dead."

I hear his words but it's still hard to believe Skylar won't remember any of this. "What if he tries to find me again?"

"We'll be ready." Zack answers almost absent-mindedly as he glances over at Dominic. "Speaking of means there are five crystals remaining?" he glances over at Dominic.

He nods, shifting his eyes to me.

Something isn't right.

"Are you gonna to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to drag it out of you—like everything else?"

Dominic glances at Zack and then back to me. I can tell he doesn't want to talk about it when he suddenly bites out, "I had to earn them."

"Earn them? Why?" I ask, looking at him as his eyes peer back at me with what looks like indecision.

"Kate, it does not matter." he says instantly. "I will get more."

Zack hikes in a breath and closes his eyes as if Dominic just told a secret no one should know.

A rush of adrenaline mixed with sorrow, or it's maybe dread, begins to churn in my gut. It's the first time I actually feel a direct line to Dominic's emotions and its beyond intense. I have to take a step back and reach behind me for a flat surface, anything to save my knees from buckling. Dominic reacts immediately as if catching me before I fall.

"She is weak—maybe I have taken too much from her?" he whispers, looking up to Zack.

"She only needs rest but you must prepare. Take her to your quarters." Zack says, darting his eyes to Aunt Kelly and Uncle John. "You two, come with me."

Dominic is sitting next to me with his arms wrapped around my chest and back, holding me steady. I have no choice but to close my eyes as shuffling of feet and low murmuring fill the cave and I'm lifted off the rock as if I weigh nothing. I try to see what's going on but my lids are too heavy. Taking in a deep breath instead, I inhale the delicious masculine musk and hint of rosemary on Dominic's skin. It feels right; it feels like home—something I haven't had in a long time. It's as if I can finally relax and let someone else take care of me.

I'm swaying back and forth and finally force my eyes open and look up. Darkness surrounds us but there's a small speck of light at the end of what looks like a tunnel or passageway, I'm not sure. Is he running with me? Or are we flying somehow? If I weren't so exhausted I'd swear we are. The constant motion as the air sears past us makes me wonder.

Am I dreaming?

Yes, I must be.

"You are not dreaming, my love, you are transitioning....

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