Chapter 41

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I'm trying to wrap my brain around it when Aunt Kelly says, "You were unconscious when they found you." She pauses and scoots her chair closer to me.

"When who found me?" I ask, trying to will away the nausea creeping its way to my stomach.

"Zack." she admits. "And your dad."

"Wait, if Papa and I were alone, how did Dad and Zack know where we were?"

"Oh, he made sure your parents knew." she stops. "Especially Zack."

"Why?" I ask, because this is getting more confusing by the second.

Aunt Kelly looks away; taking in a deep breath then slowly lets it out. "Okay, it's time you knew the truth." she says, locking eyes with me as she places her hand over mine. "Our lineage, meaning your Mom and I, Zack...and now you, goes back nearly a thousand years."

What the hell is she bringing this up for? I already know our family goes back to some dude named, William the Conqueror.

"Yeah, Mom showed me the family tree years ago. But what does this have to do with..." But Aunt Kelly interrupts me.

"It has everything to do with what's going on now." she whispers.

Holy shit, she's serious.

"Okay, but I still don't get why."

"Kate, you've been given hints about this your entire life. And, to be fair, for the most part, we, I mean, Dad your mom and me, didn't think it would even affect you. Hell, it's been dormant for decades." she looks away as if she's replaying something in her mind. "Well, until Meredith and Adam were killed." Her voice cracks on the last word.

"Wait, Zack mentioned Mom and Dad. He said they were targeted." I admit.

"He's right." she pauses, taking another tissue. "They were killed by" she stops like it's hard to get the words out. 

"Tell me!" I say, hoping the desperation in my eyes pushes her to keep going.

"It's not that simple, Kate. You're gonna think it's crazy. Jesus, even I think it's crazy."

"Just say it!" I shout a little outer than intended.

Aunt Kelly shakes her head as if she's debating whether to go further. Like I've already proven her doubt to even tell me. My body is trembling and I know she can see it. But then, out of the blue, she blurts out, "They were killed by Earth Demons."

Holy shit, what did she just say?

"Come again?" I ask, not even trying to mask my disbelief.

"It's true, Kate. And just because you don't believe it right now, doesn't mean it's not real." she clears her throat. "You should also know that you and I, even Zack are..." she stops, taking another deep breath before continuing. "We are all part of the order of a celestial hierarchy."

"Huh?" I get out because I have no words. She's clearly lost her freaking mind. I mean, what the crap does celestial hierarchy even mean? I'm literally trying to google my brain for the right answers when she reaches for both of my hands, squeezing them as if bracing me for the worst.

"You, my dear, are half Seraph." 

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