Chapter 73

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Zack reaches for my hand and gives me a concerned smile that barely reaches his eyes.

"Get some rest. We'll talk about this later, " he says, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

He walks over to Dominic and stops, whispering something in his ear that I can't hear and quickly walks out. Dominic looks at me, nods and turns around, reaching for the latch on the door.

"Dominic, wait." I say, stopping him from going any further. "Talk to me."

His back is to me and I can't see his face but my heart feels like it's in my throat. He doesn't want to stay—I can practically smell it on him.

"You must rest," he says in almost a whisper, but there's something else behind his tone. Something I can't quite put my finger on. Could it be sorrow? Disappointment? I'm not sure, but it feels a little like both.

"Talk to me." I say, praying he gives in.

Nausea instantly hits my gut when his head drops but this time, it's not from saving a Demon. He doesn't want to talk—hell, I'm pretty sure he doesn't even want to be in the same room with me.

"I'm—I'm sorry." I say so quickly I'm not exactly sure which part I'm sorry about—saving Uncle John or pulling rank on him. Again. Either way, I can't blame him. I put his life, my brother's life and even my own life in danger in the process. I'm not fit to do this. I'm clearly not cut out to make serious life decisions, no matter how much I've physically changed.

A flood of tears spill down my cheeks and I pull the sheet up to cover my eyes when suddenly, I feel a hand on my back.  I look up and Dominic is gazing down at me with an expression I've never seen before—almost as if he's forgiving me.

I hope I'm right because if this is something else, like pity, I really am going to puke.

"There are things you must understand, Kate," he says, slipping his palm to the side of my face.

"I know." I say in a whisper, licking another salty tear that somehow escaped.

He moves a little closer and sits beside me on the bed. "If I am to be your mate," his fingers wrap around mine and we lock eyes. "I will be your equal—and nothing less."

Gulp, I know why he's saying this. And I deserve every word.

"I agree." I whisper, reaching for his other hand. "I never meant to hurt you."

He grins, as if accepting my apology and the relief on my face must show because he smiles a little. "I know," his expression changes and he looks away as his brows push together, like he's reliving a terrible moment, "I came very close to losing you," he swallows, "I do not ever—" he stops like it's too painful to say, "You have so much to learn but you must allow me to help you."

"I will, I promise." I answer as new tears stream down my cheeks.

He lets go of my hands and pulls me to him. The incredible smell of his skin and the warmth of his body so close to mine is like coming home. I finally have someone else to rely on. I finally have someone who will always have my back.

His head lifts away a little and his lips cup my ear. "You are my Queen and I will honor you as long as I have breath," he whispers, the heat coming off his words and the sincerity behind them sending goose bumps up and down my body. "Let us make decisions together," he kisses a trail along the side of my neck, like he knows I'm slightly turned on. "As a team."

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