Chapter 35

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After a quick blow-dry, I pull my hair into a messy bun before slipping on the fluffy white robe that was hanging behind the bathroom door. I'm too lazy to find proper night clothes so this will have to do. 

The obnoxious growls and grumblings coming from my stomach would be totally embarrassing if I weren't alone. Time to raid the mini-fridge.

Opening the door, the first thing I see are protein bars. Lots of them. Not exactly what I had in mind but better than nothing. Aunt Kelly's meatloaf is sounding fantastic right now. Grabbing two of them and a Diet Coke, I take a seat in a chair next to a tiny table and pick up my phone. No new texts messages, except for the one from Skylar I haven't answered yet--the one asking if I'm okay. I don't want to send him a reply and get stuck texting for ten minutes like before. 

Wait, I just thought of something. I can change outcomes, too. Today is a half-day at school because of Thanksgiving break. Skylar and I have already had that conversation. Well, he hasn't yet, and never Shit, this is weird but actually, could be pretty helpful in the future. But there's no way I concentrate on anything until I eat.

Two seconds later, I'm tearing into the wrapper as I devour the first protein bar in only three bites. The more I chew, the hungrier I get...and now I understand why they call tiny foods an appetizer. This little bar would definitely be classified as one of those. 

My phone starts to chirp and I look down, realizing it's at 10% power. I reach over and plug in the charger as I begin chomping away at the second bar. Almost instantly, I feel less confused and shaky--and that's good because I need to process the past week of my life.  My thoughts go directly to The Watchman. Not my parents, or Aunt Kelly...not even Zack.  Is it because I can feel him close by? Could we have a bond of some kind? Or is it in my head? Or maybe wishful thinking? I'm clearly attracted to him--even he knows that, now. 

God, why did I tell him? Could I humiliate myself a little more? 

His reaction was strange, like he couldn't believe I said that to him. He didn't expect it, that's  for sure. I mean, he can't be much older than me. Maybe three years--five, at the very max. But then he admitted something else that was weird, "it's forbidden."  What?  Is dating looked down upon in his circle? I know he's not exactly like the guys I talk to at school. Hell, he's nothing like anyone I talk to there...but why did he give me that repulsed look? Why is he so disgusted by me? Finally, the first guy I've liked in what feels like, forever, and he can't stand the sight of me...

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