Chapter 99

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I'm not sure how long I've been standing here with my arms practically glued around Aunt Kelly but when I hear footsteps approaching, I don't even have to open my eyes to know who it is. The sudden smell of earth and rosemary completely surround me as I feel the touch of his warm hand on my shoulder, stopping my constant rocking.

Glancing up, I see the torment in his eyes and it says enough. He can feel what I'm feeling and he slowly moves closer, tenderly taking my arms away, replacing them with his. Gently, he lays Aunt Kelly's body back down, silently pulling the white sheet back over her again. I'm shaking all over and without a word, he scoops me in his arms, leaning the side of his scruffy, masculine face against mine.

"It is time to go, my love," his voice vibrating on my cheek, "I have you now," he whispers, cradling me like a child.

His strong grip and steady pace instantly comforts me as he effortlessly carries me out of the infirmary. Without warning, images of Aunt Kelly's wrists and how she looked lying on that gurney slam into my head and I nestle my face harder to his chest, trying like hell to erase the deep gash wounds from my mind. I slowly take in a soothing breath of Dominic's scent as it pulls my mind away, impossibly arousing something deep inside me. Something I wasn't sure of until now. His profound love for me and how protective I feel in his arms is somehow making me become the woman he's so desperately waited for. It's as if we're becoming one. Even without the holy bond of marriage.

It seems like only seconds have gone by when I'm softly released in one of the wingbacks next to the fireplace in our room. I sit up and rub my eyes, watching as he pulls the other chair only inches away, taking a seat in front of me. He reaches for my hands and squeezes them tightly, "There was nothing you could have done," he pauses and I can see the sorrow in his eyes, "his hold over her was too powerful."

I look away, slamming my lids shut because I know Aunt Kelly would be alive today had I only listened to Dominic. He warned me, even tried to stop me but I wouldn't have it. I was too stubborn and self-serving, and now, I've lost yet another family member. Someone who didn't deserve to die—someone who had a bigger heart than me.

"You could not have known," he says, his voice so low I have to open my eyes and watch his lips. "It happened the way is was supposed to."

"W—what do you mean?" I tilt my head.

He takes in a deep breath, "she never would have let him go," he stops and kisses my hand, "And you would have carried the burden of regret for the rest of your life."

"She was ready," I interrupt, pulling our conversation out of a whisper, "I saw it in her eyes—we all did!"

"She was merely angry, Kate," he gets in—the wisdom in his tone jarring me out of my self-loathing.

Oh my God, is he right?

He moves his chair away and gets on his knees, taking my hands again in his, "There is a reason she stood by him, even when for years he foolishly gambled away their money. His lack of respect had weakened their marriage and it weakened her in the process. It is clear to me now that had you not brought him back she would have blamed you for his death," he pauses and smiles slightly, "your motive was out of pure intent and because of it, the right outcome prevailed." he leans forward and lightly kisses my lips, "and right will always win, my love."

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