Chapter 48

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"Seraph Sovereign?" I repeat him, trying to swallow the golf ball sized lump in my throat. "I'm actually afraid to ask." I say, suddenly trembling and hoping—no praying, Dominic shows back up and flies me the hell out of here.

Zack must have clued in that I'm about to lose it and guides me over to the flat rock.

"Sit down and breathe, Katie." He says, rubbing my shoulders as my heart pounds in my chest. "Allow me to explain."

"I'm good." I say, holding up my hand. "I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what that means." But as I glance back up into Zack's new blue eyes the realization practically slams into my body that this is real. All of it. And I can no longer pretend my life will ever be normal again.

My nervous attempt at sarcasm makes him chuckle a little before he says, "It means you have a great deal of responsibility." he stops and walks around to face me with a smile that's too serious to fully reach his eyes.

"Okaaay," I stretch out the word in a pathetic attempt to slow down the insanity of our conversation. "So, um, what does that mean—exactly?" I finally get out, trying to brace myself for more unbelievable news.

Impossibly, Zack's gaze seem more intense. Like the cobalt blue is somehow orbiting around, as if accentuating the severity of what he's about to tell me. Or maybe it's just me seeing things.

All I know is...I am so not ready for this.

"It means that you were chosen a long time ago." his stare practically shoots straight through me. "This is your destiny and you must take it very seriously."

"Zack, if you don't start making sense right now..."

"You are the fifth female born of our ancient FitzRobert lineage." he interrupts, taking both my hands, "Therefore, you, my dear. " he pauses and kneels down. "Are our new Queen." he says, bowing his head.

Bowing! His head!

I must be having a nightmare or I actually dropped dead because I can't feel my body. I'm stiff and it's getting harder to breathe but all my senses have left me. Shuffling of feet and what sounds like conversation surround me but I can't make out their words. My heart is still pounding, I know that much, but my fingers are cold and numb.

"Katie!" I hear my name but it sounds like it's coming from far away and I can't move. Suddenly, a burst of air swirls heavily around me like there are hundreds of people sprinting by.

"Dominic, take her to the rock shelters." the familiar voice says. "And hurry! She's in shock!"

Out of nowhere, amazing warmth completely engulfs my body and everything goes away. It's as if I've been tightly shrouded in a fresh, out of a hot dryer, black feather comforter—and it's pure heaven. Maybe I did die—maybe this is what it actually feels like...and, if it is, I don't want it to end...

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