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The week went by like a breeze, faster than I was expecting it to go. Before I knew it Friday came rolling around and I was in my room packing my bag for the weekend. Alejandro and Xavier had went off to pick up Demi and Maria, Gabriela wasn't able to go to the ranch with us. She had to work for the weekend and couldn't ask for the day off. I had finished getting my things ready when I heard honks coming outside of the house. That was my cue. Grabbing my bag, I turned off the lights off my room and rushed down the stairs.

"Dad!" I shouted looking everywhere in the house for him. He had mentioned about going with us to the ranch. Xavier offered for him to tag along with us and he sounded pretty stoked about it. He was home when I got back from school but he seems to have disappeared.

"Dad are you home!" I yelled again, stopping in the middle of the hallway. The lights to his office are off so he isn't in there and the house is dead silent too. Alejandro beeped again.

I took out my phone from my back pocket and dialed my dad. On the first ring he answered. From the background noise I could tell he was at the cafe, but why?

"Hey sweetie, sorry I didn't call sooner, your mom needed help at the cafe so I decided to come led her a hand. I'll pass this weekend on joining with you guys. Have fun and be safe. Text me when you get there." He quickly said, before hanging up on me.

"Okay..." I sighed and grabbed my bag from the floor again.

I closed the door behind me, locking it, before getting in the back seat of Alejandro's truck. Maria and Demi were sitting in the back typing away on their phones. Xavier was messing with the radio while Alejandro waited patiently for me.

"Where's your dad?" Alejandro asked when I closed the door. "I thought he said he was riding along with us."

"Yeah, he was but my mom needed help at the cafe and he offered to stay and help."

"Or maybe, he needed an excuse to have some alone time with mom." Xavier smirked.

Alejandro chuckled. "That too."

"Are we good to go then?" He asked, looking back at us. "Everyone brought what they needed?"

"Yup." Demi responded, Maria nodded, and Xavier let out a small groan. It was enough for us to know he had packed everything. Ale turned his head to get a better look at me and waited for my answer. I had packed everything, at least I felt like I did. We were going away for three days not an entire month.

"We're good, I have everything." I smiled.

He winked and shifted gears. I decided to not mention to my friends about what happen Sunday. I think we had enough surprises from Alejandro and I for a few more weeks. If I go blurting out about how he decided to tell me more about himself than they are going to finally agree something is going on.

I turned my gaze out the window and got lost into the country music blaring in the car. Uncle Simon's ranch is almost a two hour drive from the city. He has 10 acres of land and build himself a house and a ranch. I enjoy going there, for a city-girl I felt like being in the country was where I belonged.

We hadn't been raised in the country but we spent most of our time there when we could. It's easy for Xavier and I to transition from a city environment to a country surroundings. By the time we got to the ranch, night had fallen. Maria and Demi had knocked out. I was still looking out the window with Demi head on my shoulder. The entire ride to the ranch Alejandro kept playing country music. I knew he listened to it, but every song he played he knew all the lyrics to, even the old country music Xavier would play.

I guess I learned something new today, Alejandro likes country music.

He turned off the truck and the girls woke up. I got out stretching my arms and legs out. I wasn't used to riding in the car for long period of times, today's ride over to the ranch felt longer than others. Uncle Simon came out of the side of the house with a towel on his shoulder. Locking eyes with him a small smile formed on my lips. He knew these were the days Xavier and I looked for the entire year.

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