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We took pregaming a little overboard, by the time we made it into the entrance of the first club, I started feeling the tingling sensation beginning to creep up on me at my fingertips. One by one we flashed our IDs to the bouncer, once Linda made it through we knew we were going to be fine. In less than a minute we were inside the club with the music echoing off the walls. Alejandro held onto my hand as we navigated through the crowd of people to get to the bar to order our drinks. Deep down, I knew I shouldn't be drowning myself in liquor so quickly, however, I agreed tonight was going to be the night where I wasn't going to overthink everything. Tonight was meant for me to have fun.

Enrique bought the first round of jagger bombs and as soon as I felt the shot settle in I knew I was fucked. The tingling sensation running through my fingertips turned into a slow numbness consuming me. The girls and I stayed the majority of the time on the dance floor while the guys sat by the booth drinking beers. From the corner of my eye, I felt Alejandro's eyes on me. All I wanted was to go over to him and start making out with him. Yeah, I am getting drunk. I've noticed every time I get past my drinking limit I end up wanting to make out with Alejandro --and tonight was one of those times I didn't want to keep holding back my urges.

Truthfully, I had told myself tonight was going to be the night I was going to have sex with Alejandro. The sexual tension between us has been simmering for months now and it feels right to simply do it. Back then, I was just a friend and now, he's my boyfriend. The last time things got hot he said he didn't want to pleasure me in his car, now he has the opportunity to do it in a bed. Juliana, you need to get together, it's the alcohol making you think these things.

I grabbed onto Gabriela and Linda and dragged them into the bathroom for a moment, I needed a second to recollect myself.

"You okay?" Linda quickly asks as we entered the restroom.

I nodded, "I need to use the bathroom, didn't want to go alone,"

"Oh okay, now that we are here, I need to go too," She smiled cheekily.

Linda was easy to fool but not Gabriela, she saw past my lie. As soon as Linda went into a stall, she went into another one with me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." I lied. "I think the drinks are getting to me and I haven't drank like this since..." My voice trailed off. I had been avoiding the obvious feelings lingering around in the back of my mind. I was anxious to drink again and open up the same feelings I had when I was with Lucas—I didn't want to feel unsafe.

"You don't have to get drunk to have a good time. If you think you have had enough drinks, cut yourself off. There is no reason for you to be nervous," She grabbed onto my shoulders. "You are surrounded by people who will protect you, always," she smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I might lay off the drinks for another hour,"

"Sounds good," She responded. "So do you really need to go to the bathroom?"

I nodded, "I didn't before but now I do,"

She chuckled, "alright, I'll meet you outside," and she got out of the stall.

I wanted to tell her about my plans of sleeping with Alejandro, however, I was going to feel weird with them knowing while being in a room Alejandro he might be banging me. I might be thinking about this too much. As far as things can go, Alejandro might not even want to have sex with me tonight—then I'll look like I was forcing myself on him, which wouldn't be the first time. Maybe, having sex with him tonight is not a good idea. 

When I stepped back into the small corridor where the bathrooms were at, Alejandro was leaning against the wall sipping on a beer.

"You okay?" He asked curiously.

I nodded, "I'm borderline drunk," I giggled. "I am pretty sure if I continue drinking I'll black out."

He grinned, "you can take it easy for the rest of the night?" he suggested. "Or you can get drunk enough to black out, the night is still young."

I shrugged, I can't come up with a decision right now. I can say I'll going to take it easy and as soon as the shots are brought out, I may cave in. I'll let the night decide how things will end up.

"What about you? Are you feeling?"

Alejandro finished the rest of his beer before throwing in the trash can a few feet from him. "That was my last beer. I don't want to get too drunk tonight, just in case a coherent person is needed,"

And this is why I love him. Even when it isn't necessary for him to look after anyone, he still prepares for it. It was one of the many reasons why I had fallen in love with him. When I pushed past the reputation of his at school, Alejandro was the kinda guy every girl deserves. Truth is, I had fallen in love with freshman year, and all this time I told myself these feelings weren't real. I guess a part of me always believed we would never become a couple.

"Enjoy tonight, stop worrying about everyone else."

"I'm not doing this for everyone else. I want to make be there for you if you need me. What use will I be if I am drunk off my ass?"

I rolled my eyes, "I will be okay. I promise tonight I won't cry or run off. Tonight is the night to celebrate the end of a year and new beginnings,"

"What does your new beginnings include?" He questioned me.

"Of course you, forgiving my mom even if it is difficult for me to do so. I don't want to continue surrounding myself in the darkness. I'm also going to go get therapy for my binge eating and everything else going on. I told Uncle Simon and Aunt Cassy about it...."

Alejandro face lit up. "You finally told someone. I am proud of you," he leaned in giving me a small kiss. "What did they say?"

"I have their support. They agree seeing a therapist is the best option for me," Uncle Simon and Aunt Cassy saved me, if they hadn't suggested for me to go spend time at their place, I don't know where I will be right now. They had given me hope—a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time.

Alejandro caressed my cheek, "you are strong, Jules. And know no one will ever let you lay in the darkness all alone or for too long,"

The entrance door swung open and Enrique and Xavier walked in. Xavier rolled his eyes and went I to the bathroom and Enrique chuckled quietly.

"It's still gets him that you two are dating. Actually, it's taking all of us a bit to get used to the idea," he confessed.

When we told our friends we were dating, they were surpirsed, but happy for us. The girls were excited I was finally able to live out my freshman dreams—just three years later.

"I understand Xavier, but why everyone else?" I asked.

Enrique shrugged, "we all knew you two liked each other. We thought you two were too stubborn to notice it. It's like when William and Gabriela started dating, our friend group is pairing up,"

Alejandro chuckled, "you got Demi and that's weird for everyone,"

Enrique scoffed, "correction it's weird for you," his eyes travelled down to me. "...and you. The way I see it, everyone had a body count before they meet their current partner. I'm not going to be pissed off about who the count includes,"

I raised a brow, "you think this way cause of what you used to do, huh?"

He nodded and we all started laughing. "Seriously though, I can't be mad. Now, you two please stop hiding in here. William is being the next round of shots and I have to use the bathroom," he excused himself.

"Our friends are the best, aren't they?" I told Alejandro.

"They are. I love you," he blurted out.

I grinned, "I love you too, Alejandro. I always did," and kissed him.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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