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Finals week were done and the anticipation of being able to spend the next two weeks in the country had me feeling relieved. Somehow Uncle Simon convinced my mom to let me stay, although she wasn't the one who told me personally. My dad talked to me on Wednesday about their decision and believed the time apart was needed. I can only imagine he needed the tension in the house to settle down; these few weeks had taken a toll on him. He canceled his trips and worked from home, to watch out for a possible fight between my mom and I. He expected for us to get into a physical altercation—to be clear I'd never hit my mom.

The gang had planned on going to the pizzeria after the last final to celebrate. At first, I had agreed to go with them, but decided last minute to cancel and go straight to Uncle Simons'. As I made my way towards my car, I heard Alejandro yell for me. We had been dating for a bit over a month now and our relationship was still a secret. I had too much going on to worry about everyone knowing we were a thing. Luckily, Alejandro and I are able to act like friends during school. Lately, I noticed Alejandro starting to get tired of having to hide things from everyone. We have to go off and give each other kisses in empty hallways or hold hands underneath the lunch table.

Considering he doesn't care about public display of affection; it was strange for him. I have to admit I was getting tired myself with running off to get to be close. I wasn't sure why I even wanted our relationship to be a secret; I guess having to be the talk of the school wasn't something I could handle at the moment.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he caught up to me.

"I decided to head straight to Uncle Simons," I informed him, gaining a small frown from him.

"I thought you were going to come with us to the pizzería," he sounded disappointed.

"I changed my mind,"

He nodded. "I see," he bit down in his lower lip. "I get these few weeks have been hard. They've been a hell ride for me too, however, I did my best to put you first. I thought you'd do the same for me,"

Why did he have to put me in a tight situation? Alejandro knows I care about him, but I can't juggle two things at the same time. It has been my biggest weakness. I understand these past two weeks I have neglected our relationship, but we have spent time together. We have gone on dates and gotten to know each other in a different light. I have been trying my best to put him first—I might have failed miserably to do so though.

"Calm down. I have been hanging out with you and Uncle Simon said you can drive up to visit me. I'm not pushing you away," I assured him.

"That's the thing, you are. I have noticed the way you act around our dates, you don't even seem to be there. If our relationship is something you can't focus on, maybe we should break-up,"

I felt my stomach form into a knot, how did he go from wanting to spend time with me to break up? "Wait, are you breaking up with me?"

He looked away, "I don't want to..." his voice trailed off. "...but I feel as if you aren't as committed as you want to be. I've tried being reasonable—given you space," he shrugged. "Maybe we decided to do this at a wrong time,"

I wanted to argue with him about the whole ordeal—I did neglect our relationship. It wasn't on purpose though, I have the tendency to get wrapped up in my problems I detach myself from the real world. Alejandro looked hurt and he probably didn't wake up in the morning with the intention of breaking up, but I wasn't making things easier.

"Ale, I am sorry," was all I can say since the words I had ready to pull jumbled in my throat. I didn't want to break-up; I wanted to be with him for as long as we can.

He took a step forward and placed a few strands behind my ear, giving me a wearily smile. "I love you so much," he whispered.

I felt my eyes watered as I prepared for the break-up speech. "I love you," I blurted out. "I don't want to break up. I get how distant I have been lately, but I want to make this work—I want us to work,"

Now he was the one who was speechless, "I don't believe in good timing, everything should happen as it feels right. And this," I moved my finger between the space of Ale and I. "...it feels right."

He cupped my cheek and shook his head softly, "don't say something you don't mean just because you don't want to be lonely. I will always be here for you Jules, you will always have a spot in my heart."

"That's thing Alejandro—I do love you." I grabbed onto his jacket and pulled him towards me. Our lips touched and we surrendered to each other. His hand slides to the nape of my neck and I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

"Aren't you worry about someone seeing us?" Alejandro asked departing slightly from me.

I looked up and shook my head, "No, fuck what they think." and I kissed him again. 


I have missed writing Alejandro and Juliana's story! Sorry for the long wait. 

I can't stress enough please VOTE, it helps me out a lot! 

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