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Christmas rolled around rather quickly and the time with Uncle Simon and Aunt Cassy was doing me good. Each morning I woke up before dawn and had breakfast with Uncle Simon before going out to the farm to feed the animals. It was nice to be far away from the city; even if I was missing the Christmas vibes. During the week Aunt Cassy and I cooked gingerbread cookies, which we ate with coffee every morning.

Usually, for Christmas, Uncle Simon and Aunt Cassy drive down to our house to spend the day with us, however this year they decided it was best for them to host the Christmas party with just us three. I tried to convince them to go down to my parent's house, but they were persistent. Much to my surprise, I woke up to Alejandro, Xavier, Linda, Mindy, and Greg sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

I was taken back, "what are you guys doing here?"

"Merry Christmas to you too," Mindy teased as she got up from the chair to give me a hug.

"Sorry, Merry Christmas," I said to everyone, embarrassed by my outburst.

"Uncle Simon invited us for lunch, we just decided to crash Christmas a bit early," Xavier winked at me.

I turned to look at Uncle Simon with watery eyes—he knew it was going to be hard for me to spend Christmas away from home. I found out mom and dad left for Washington with grandma and grandpa last night, so that was one of the other reasons why they didn't want to drive into the city. Christmas wasn't happening at our place. He took it upon himself to invite them over, so Xavier wouldn't spend the day alone.

I walked over to Uncle Simon and Aunt Cassy, pulling them into a hug. "Thank you," I muttered letting a few tears roll down my face.

"No problem, kiddo." He said, kissing me on top of my head.

"We would do anything for you," Aunt Cassy hugged me tightly.

Was it wrong for me to wish they were my parents instead? I don't think my parents would ever do something like this. Then again, we have never been in a situation like this before.

I wiped the tears with my long sleeve and composed myself—today was not the day to be sad! Turning around, I smiled happily at everyone. "So!" I clapped my hands. "Aunt Cassy and I made gingerbread cookies and they are delicious!"

"They sure are, who wants one?" Aunt Cassy asked as she opened the cookie jar.

Everyone went for a cookie jar and they agreed it was good. "You should make these for the cafe, the customers would love it," Alejandro spoke up.

"You think so?" I smiled.

He nodded. I went over to him giving him a hug. "Sorry for not greeting you when I walked in,"

"Don't worry about it," he responded kissing my forehead. "how are you feeling?"

"Much better," I responded. "I needed the time away."

"So you'll be ready to come back home once the winter break is over?"

"Yeah, I promise I will be more focused in our relationship too," I informed him. Slowly, I was letting go of the anger and letting the high of being with Alejandro take over. It took me a minute to realize what an amazing guy I have in front of me, so I want to enjoy our time together.

After breakfast, we opened Christmas gifts'. We had agreed a few years back not to gift each other expensive things but items we can use throughout the year. Socks, jackets, gift-cards made as useful gifts. It was a way to appreciate things rather than expecting expensive gifts.

As Mindy finished unwrapping her gift, I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee. I still couldn't get over the fact everyone decided to come to spend the holidays with us. Last night I had to mentally prep myself for today-I expected to spend it crying in the bathroom every chance I got. Deep down, I didn't have to spend Christmas away from home, however, I wanted to fully detox myself from all the emotions. If I returned home just for a day and something happens between my family and me, I'd be back to where I started a few days ago.

As I finished preparing my coffee, Alejandro came in with the empty cups everyone used.

"So, I have one more gift for you," He said as he placed the dirty cups in the sink. I gave him a confused look. Two weeks ago, we agreed not to get each other anything, than the usual gift we get. The couple gift--was not going to happen, or so I thought.

"Alejandro, you didn't have to get me anything," I said.

He pushed the box towards me, forcing me to grab it. "I know, but I saw it and I thought you would like it. Go on open it,"

I unwrapped the gift and opened the box—he had gotten me a sterling silver heart-shape necklace with diamonds overlaying the heart. "Ale...how much did this cost?" was the first thing I decided to spit out, rather than 'thank you'.

I quickly looked away feeling embarrassed, "I am sorry. It's gorgeous...but it looks expensive,"

He grinned, "I saved money from working at the cafe. Want me to put it on you?" he offered.

"Please," I responded and picked up my hair, giving him access to clip the necklace in the back.

"Let me see," he said, turning me around. The necklace laid perfectly a few inches below my collarbone. "It looks beautiful on you,"

"Thank you, Alejandro." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Anything for you, Jules. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," I whispered, enjoying the little moment between us.

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