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To anyone who read the first upload of this chapter, I decided to change the ending. I feel like it wasn't the direction I wanted to head too. Where the new part happens I will leave an arrow!

After resting for over ten hours, the next morning I woke up feeling rested and in a good mood. I was positive a bit of my good mood had to do with the fact I am dating Alejandro and the other half was from how delighted I felt being back home. These couple of weeks have made me change as a person. It has taught me I run away from my problems and have horrible communication skills with my family and friends. Regardless of my flaws and my mistakes, they have forgiven me and I am grateful for that. I used to think I was roaming around this life with no one next to me, but it's the opposite, I have people I can fall on and they will be there to catch me. Reassurance has been one of the things Alejandro has taught me, I have to continue to reassure myself I am enough to be a daughter and a friend. No one around me expects me to be perfect and the illusion to be is starting to fade.

I hadn't noticed earlier how Alejandro presence was doing me good. Once I opened up to someone who truly cared about me, everything around me began to fall into place. I didn't want to continue to be fragile Juliana and changes needed to be made. I think it was time for me to get the answers I deserve.

Aunt Vivian mentioned she wanted to talk to me about what had been going on and at the time I was being clueless as to what that meant. Mostly because I wished she was referring to Alejandro and me, but she wasn't. When I returned from Florida after my great escape, she had left to go back to her job. A part of me wanted to talk to her about what was going on but I always gave myself an excuse not to open up to her. Eventually, I was going to have to bring her up to date and I pushed the talk as far as I could or at least until I saw her again.

I wanted to talk to her today because she had answers to questions I had for her too. When I fully woke up, I got out of bed and tidied my room. At some point last night Alejandro must have left or went to sleep at Xavier's room since he wasn't here anymore. I figured he wasn't going to be next to me when I woke up, my parents wouldn't have let him sleep next to me.

After I cleaned my room and got myself changed, I made my way downstairs. It was six-thirty in the morning and coffee was brewing, considering it was a Saturday morning and my dad was taking the weekend off the only person awake this hour had to be Aunt Vivian. Sure enough, when I walked into the kitchen she was sitting down near the breakfast table, sipping on her coffee.

"Good morning," I sheepishly said.

She looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile. "Good morning, how are you feeling?"

"I'm great, I think I needed a good nights sleep without interruptions." It felt nice to sleep through the night without having nurses coming in to check my blood pressure or to administer medicine. I was never fully asleep during my time at the hospital.

I grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured myself a cup of coffee. "You've been a troublemaker these last couple of weeks, missy." She got straight to the point, skipping the little easy chat I planned for us to have.

"Yeah..." I turned around giving her a frown. "I have been irresponsible with my actions and have caused emotional and physical damaged to me and the people around me."

"Yeah, care to explain to me as to why though?" She raised a brow.

I looked down at my coffee. "Can we talk outside in the backyard about this?"

I was ready to answer her questions but I also wanted her to answer mine, with her doing so, I didn't want anyone in the household to hear our conversation if they were to eavesdrop. Although everyone knew about my irresponsible decisions, the only one who knew about the letter my biological father sent me was Xavier and I wanted it to stay that way.

The Guy Who Gave Up His Jersey (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now