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"Can you put your left arm above your head and your right-hand place it on your hip." Denny, the photographer said. He had me posing for pictures for the last hour and to be honest it was getting tiring doing all these poses and being in my heels. My feet were hurting badly and all I wanted was to sit down again.

I did what he told me to do and he snapped a few pictures. I couldn't smile anymore since my cheeks ached every time I grinned. I knew this was bad because I still needed to take pictures in the hall with family members and friends. He must have noticed the annoyance and tired look on my face cause he decided he had enough pictures. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Alejandro and Xavier let out a chuckle and walked over to me.

"I need to take off my shoes." I cried.

"If you take off your shoes your feet are going to get dirty," Xavier stated the obvious.

"Don't you say." I snapped sarcastically.

Ale laughed. "Take off your heels, I'll carry you back to the truck." he offered.

Xavier gave him a look. "You won't be able to carry her, she weighs too much." He jokily said.

I punched him in the arm sending him stumbling to the side. "Don't you dare start making jokes today, this is my day, so you don't get to make fun of me." I glared at him.

He grabbed his arm and rubbed it with his palm. "That hurt more than I thought it would." He whimpered. "When did you get so strong?" He questioned me.

I shrugged. Alejandro grabbed onto my hand while I slipped one heel off. I hesitated to take the other one off since that would mean my feet would get dirty. Alejandro must've realized it would beat the purpose of him carrying me if my feet got dirty because he swooped me off my feet. I yelped, getting startled by his action.

"Sorry, I should've told you I was going to pick you up." He smiled innocently. I stared into his big brown eyes and nodded.

"Yeah..." I whispered getting lost in them. I don't know if it's the suit he is in or how the bright sun shining down on his perfect tan skin made him look irresistible.

"You two make me sick," Xavier muttered and started walking towards the truck.

Ale rolled his eyes. "He still thinks you and I have something."

"Yeah, it's clear there isn't anything happening between us...right?" I said the last word so low I figured he didn't hear me.

He gave me a look but didn't say anything. "You aren't good at saying things softly." he joked. "Right..." He copied me.

I felt my cheeks flush. "Sorry."

"I think what you and I had was lust and the last time we showed each other our lust, it got us in trouble. I don't think you and I are emotionally attracted but physically. Anyways, we shouldn't be speaking about this on your day."

He had a good point, I don't think it's the time or place to be talking about this. Honestly, I doubt it ever will be the right time. He opened the passenger's door and I sat down. Xavier was already in the front, waiting for us. From the side mirror, I could see his monotonously face. I don't help him often but every night I thank God he placed Xavier in my life. His dad and he made my mother and I life better. Xavier grew protective of me although he gets jealous of seeing his younger sister going out with someone I know his intentions are pure. He doesn't want me to get hurt, I guess he believes we have been hurt enough with our parental figure leaving us, we don't need another heartbreak again.

I hadn't realized how tired I was until Ale started driving towards the venue. My body was worn out and all I wanted was to take a quick power nap-one I probably wouldn't be getting. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes for a moment. It didn't take long for me to drift to sleep and be abruptly woken up by Xavier. In a blink of an eye, we had arrived at the venue, I ran my hand over the corner of my mouth, wiping off the drool. He helped me get off and behind him was Ale with a venti caramel frappuccino in his hand.

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