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By Friday, everything had gone back to normal, sort of. My mom was still upset about my brutal outburst with my dad and I had to give her time to forgive me for my mistakes. I explained to her what I did the next day and promised I'd never disrespect them ever again. 

This little experience taught me something though, I am not responsible for my parents or the problems between them. I was afraid my dad would walk out if mom and him don't work out, the truth is, if one day he chooses to leave I cannot stop him. It's the inevitable and if it happens I'll take it on with time, for now I have to enjoy what I have in front of me.

Today was opening day for The Phantom of The Opera and Alejandro has no where to be seen since Wednesday. Rehearsals have been long and tedious, well that's what he has been telling me over text. When I received his text message this morning about how anxious he was, I found myself laughing. Who would of thought Alejandro would be texting me nonstop?

I'd never believe Alejandro could get along with a girl who didn't plan on sleeping with. I can finally admit he has struck me with confusion with the guy he truly is. I told him he was going to be great (come one, it's Alejandro Rodriquez for fucksakes. There is no way he has forgotten who he is and how talented he is.) all he had to worry about was not messing up the songs, which I know he isn't.

School ended and the group went our separate ways to get ready. Gabriela picked Maria and I up and Demi was no where to be found. Everyone tried calling her and she didn't answer. Enrique even went to look for her at her house but no one was there. I figured she ended up doing her own thing. Plays where never her thing anyway.

Demi is the odd one in the group, although she considers us her  best friends, she hangs out with other people too. Her other group of friends are a little bit more similar to her. They go to open mic, hear indie rock music, and have the same personality as her. Sometimes she'll ditch us to go hang out with them which is cool with us. The only problem is it isn't like her to not give us a heads up.

I guess she forgot.

We entered the noisy auditorium making our way down to the first row. The auditorium was crowded more than I have seen it for any play. The entire student body is here tonight, even the football team is huddled on the other side of the room. Everyone was curious as to what Alejandro has to offer.

William had reserved the seats like he promised and we waited patiently for the play to start. I kept looking down at my phone waiting for Alejandro to text me back before he takes the stage—he didn't. The lights dimmed and the director of the drama department appeared on the stage. While he thanked everyone for showing up for opening night, I opened up the last message he had sent me.

A: I feel like I am going to throw up:(
J: Oh hush! You got this, you got the part for a reason!
J: (is typing) Good luck, I'll be cheering you on from the front row. Break  a leg (not literally though).

"Is that Demi?" I heard Maria say.

My head snapped up and sure enough it was her. She was portraying Christine.

"Holy shit, it's her." I chocked out, surprised on how good she could sing.

She didn't tell us she auditioned for the part nor did Ale say anything. This wasn't her scene but I am clearly wrong, she looked happy to be up on stage singing. This was a side none of us knew she had and in a way I felt a bit betrayed. We told each other everything and I'd assume this would be a huge deal for her, instead of filling us up in the loop she hid it from us.

I looked around and the audience was as shocked as we were. "Did you know of this?" I asked Gabriela.

She shook her head. "I didn't even know she was in the drama department."

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