Chapter 1 - Introduction

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It was a gloomy day, the wind breezed and flowed into the young adult faunus's black hair as her cat ears twitched under her bow. Blake Belladonna, a 15 year old freshman at Beacon Academy who also happened to be a Faunus, a cat Faunus to be exact. Blake always wore a black bow to cover her ears, after all she didn't want people to know of her race.

It's not that she's ashamed of what she is, she isn't the only Faunus on the planet. There were plenty of others; cats, dogs, lynx, you name it. It's the fact that human beings can be cruel, especially to the Faunus race.

Blake, being the only Faunus in her school did not want to be discriminated against and treated differently. Because of her heritage she hid her cat ears with the help of a little black bow. People always fell for it and never questioned why she always wore it and everyone treated her nicely, until today that is.

She remembers it clear as day, it happened only a week ago after all. They day where everyone found out about her heritage.

It was by accident, she was with her friends walking to class for History. Cardin Winchester, 18, senior, also captain of the football team, and a big jerk. He was the reason for everyone finding out.

"Have a nice trip!" Cardin smirks as he kicks Blake from behind.

"Gah!" Blake trips and falls on top of another student who so happened to be Emily Harper, senior, also captain of the cheerleading squad, and Cardin's girlfriend.

"Blake! Are... you ... alright..." one of her friends say as she trails off as her eyes widen.

The laughter that was in the room immediately stopped and was met by instant silence. Students looked at Blake with shock and horror in their eyes and she suddenly felt two strong hands on her shoulders.

"Get off of her!" Cardin yells angrily as he yanks her off his girlfriend. Blake hits the back of her head of one of the desks. She flinches and rubs it to try to numb the pain that she is currently feeling. Blake looks at Cardin and Emily who are looking at her with complete disgust, looking at the other students who are now whispering things to each other.

"Who would have thought", "Are those what I think they are?" students continue on whispering to each other.

"Are those... Cat ears?" someone says very, very quietly. Almost too quiet for a whisper... Something only Blake could pick up.

'Cat ears?' Blake questions in her head. She then quickly touches the top of her head and freezes up.

'Wait...' She slowly looks down as her eyes widen in horror. Her bow was not on her head, it was on the ground. 


Hey guys Pika here! So I know that I am already working on a story (The Story of Govilan) and I really shouldn't be making/working on another one but this story is actually for my Creative Writing class and I thought why not share it? 

I know that this chapter is really really short but it's better than nothing and it will definitely get updated so don't worry :) I got this story idea about a week ago and I thought it was perfect timimg since the assignment is to make a fanfiction, I took the chance and viola! Her Savior is what was made!

Also, things will be tweaked in this fanfiction and it won't be completely like RWBY (like Blake being 15 when she's really 17). This is kinda my own version if that makes sense.  

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed and tell me what you think, review/comments are very appreciated :) 

RWBY - Her Savior (discontinued, rewrite in progress) Where stories live. Discover now