Chapter 28 - The Dance

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Happy Friday! 


"Tell me again why we have to wait for them at the dance?" Yang complained.

"I don't know... Maybe they don't want us to see what they look like until they get here? You know, so they can blow our minds" Ruby replied.

"That's dumb..."

"I get your point but we'll just have to deal with it won't we Yang?"

Yang rolled her eyes knowing her sister was right.

They both just sat at one of the tables, patiently waiting for their dates to arrive the dance. It was a good thing that the DJ was playing upbeat music or else they would have been bored out of their minds.

Yang tapped her foot to the beat of the song that was playing. It was a song that she knew quite well since she has done some choreography for it back then. Though, she wasn't in the mood to dance since she had lost the spark long ago. M83 and Troye Sivan had good music and she loved the tracks of Midnight City and Happy Little Pill mashed together. The fact that, that was what song was being currently played made her happy.

I guess we will be listening to good music

The mix slowly started to go back to the normal track of Midnight City.

Yang suddenly felt someone grab her arm. When she looked to see who it was it turned out to be Ruby who was smiling at her. She pulled her towards the dance floor as she began to casually dance. Yang just stared at her little sister confusingly wondering why she brought her here.

"This is one of your favorite songs! At least dance to it a little!" Ruby shouted over the loud music.

Yang shook her head.

"I'm not dancing Ruby" she simply said, loudly.

Ruby glared at her but then her eyes widened.

Yang took note of this.


Ruby didn't respond, she kept looking past Yang with wide eyes.

"What are you loo- " Yang paused mid-sentence as she looked to where Ruby was looking.

Yang felt like her heart stopped beating from what she saw.

There, by the doors stood Cynthia, Emily, Weiss, and Blake.

Ruby looked at Weiss in awe.

Weiss looked absolutely beautiful to Ruby! The dress, her hair, everything! She was at a loss for words.

Yang on the other hand literally stopped breathing. Blake looked stunning! She was wearing a purple dress that was bedazzled white on the top of the dress. It was somewhat similar to Weiss's but had a different design and was slightly longer.

My god... She looks so... So...

As the four girls walked up to them Emily and Cynthia giggled at the looks Yang and Ruby were making.

Weiss and Blake both began to blush as they approached Yang and Ruby. They just looked at each other, admiring one another.

Weiss couldn't help but bite her bottom lip as she looked Ruby up and down. The way Ruby looked and wore the outfit was a turn on to Weiss. She never thought Ruby would look so good in a Black Vest, Black Tie, Red Shirt, and Black Pants.

She looks so good in that! Why is this turning me on so much?

Weiss grinned as she leaned in and got closer to Ruby.

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