Chapter 21 - Blacked Out

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Howdy! I'm here with Chapter 21! Enjoy :) 


"If you have no problem getting girls kiddo then why did you buy that?"

"I have needs"

Qrow raised his brow.

"Needs that you can quench with girls that you can easily get?"

Yang rolled her eyes.

Qrow was right if she really wanted to she could bring a girl to the beach house within the hour and fulfill her needs. But something has been holding her back lately. When she did bring a girl to the beach house she noticed that every girl she brought back had black hair and was sometimes a faunus. Because of this this would cause Yang to have images of Blake pop up and she couldn't go through with it. The farthest she could go was making out but after that she would begin to hesitate.

Yang sighed.

"Look, Qrow, I would rather not talk about it..."

"Alright, alright. Do you know how to set it up? Do you need help?"

"You know I'm surprised that you are okay with me owning something like this. Wouldn't this freak you out knowing that I am going to be using it? Using it when you're around or not?" she smirked as she glanced at him.

Qrow shook his head and shrugged.

"Hey, I was a teenager once too. I know how it is. Just try not to go overboard and make too much noise AND a mess"

"Right. So would you mind getting out? I'm gonna test it meaning that I will have to use it"

Qrow chuckled as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Yang wasn't sure if this would do it but hey there is a first time for everything right? She had everything set up and ready to go. She sat in a chair and got comfy and started up the software on the computer. A game popped up with a picture of a naked girl winking.

College Roommate Fun!

She clicked start and a couple 3D animations of girls showed on the screen. It showed a short girl, average height girl, and a tall girl. Yang choose the average and then it took her to a page where she could customize the girls appearance such as eye color, hair color, size of breasts, and many other things. Yang's breath hitched as she looked at the girl on the screen. She noticed that she chose black for the hair color, amber for eyes, and cat ears for well... ears...


She grit her teeth and shook her head.

No! I will not think about her!

She clicked next and question popped up.

What would you like to name this character?

I have to name it? Seriously?...

Yang groaned as she tried to figure out a name. She didn't know why she was thinking about it so hard. She sat there for about 5 minutes trying to come up with a name.

It seems you are taking a while to enter a name. Having trouble? Would you like us to autogenerate a name for you?

Why wasn't this an option in the first place?

Yang clicked yes.

Once a name is given it cannot be changed. Are you sure?

I don't fucking care! Just let me test this thing out already!

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