Chapter 15 - A Hint of Jealousy

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Hey, guys, I'm back from my break! Hope you enjoy this (more Author Notes at the end of the chapter). 

Nano - Magenta 

(Starts 0:00)

~Blake's eyes are closed as the wind blows through her hair, her cat ears visible, getting a close up to her face.~

Remember again

~Blake opens her eyes and the pan view quickly goes up with the wind showing a beautiful view of the sun and clouds, spelling and showing the story title "Her Savior"

Inside a world of broken words you cannot hide (oh-oh-oh)

~Blake is sitting at a desk with an emotionless face with a hint of sadness as students scream at her saying terrible things~

You try to find the reasons why, as days collide

~Blake is walking slowly and soullessly in the pouring rain~

The seconds keep on passing, without a sound, you turn around

~Blake turns around and her eyes widen as she see's Yang before her~

And as you walk away I call to you

~Yang smiles as she offers her hand~

Don't you let go

~Blake tries to reach for it~

Take a look around, you are not alone

~Blake see's Ruby, Weiss, and the others behind Yang~

If you'd only stop and close your eyes

~Blake closes her eyes and smiles~

Find the answers, you'd find the answers

~Yang rubs Blake's head~

When you feel like the world if falling in

~Blake opens her eyes and Yang pulls her towards the others~

And you can't seem to find the way back in

~Ruby, Weiss, Sun and the others smile widely and wave at her~

Don't cry

~Blake smiles widely~

Just hear these words and remember again

~A tear falls down Blake's face as she realizes she isn't alone and has people who care for her. Everyone gathers around for a group photo and as the picture is taken it transitions to that still image. Showing Blake and Yang in the group photo holding hands, Blake getting a kiss on the forehead from Yang, Blake looks the happiest she has ever been~

(End Song 1:32) 


After their little event in the bathroom, Yang has never felt more relaxed. The tension has finally been released and she could finally not worry about it. Well, for now at least. As she walked out of the bathroom she didn't even bother to get dressed, leaving her in just a yellow sports bra and black & yellow checkered boxers. She sat on her bed as she waited for Blake to finish changing.

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