Chapter 42 - Our Story

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WhiteRose chapter by the request by many people! Here yah go! 


"How has your sister been doing?" the white haired girl asked.

Ruby stretched as she let out a yawn, opening one eye to look at her lover. "Alright I guess" she laid on her bed. "Only complaint I heard so far is the amount of sex Blake is basically forcing on her. Errr... forcing isn't the right word ..." she trailed off.

"You're right, you make it sound like rape" Weiss chuckled, continuing to work on her history homework. She paused though catching something that Ruby had said "Wait... you mean... Yang is actually tired of sex?" she raised her brow.

"Yup" she popped the P then laid on her stomach. "Why ask?" she tilted her head in curiosity.

"Well... considering who your sister is you would think the complete opposite" Weiss replied.

Ruby laughed "Yeah, yeah you're right" she sat up on the edge of the bed. "I'm surprised that she is still breathing. If it's as bad as she says it is then I would think that all her energy would have been taken away from Blake by now"

"It's not like she's gonna die. It just means she was too cocky about her stamina" Weiss scoffed. She leaned back on her chair away from the desk to look at Ruby. "But, really? Every day?" Ruby hummed "Maybe it's because Blake's a Faunus?" she began to swing her legs from her bed as she continued to hum. "Don't be silly Ruby" Weiss shook her head. "Being a Faunus isn't the cause of her heat to go crazy like that" Ruby smirked as she looked at Weiss. "Are you saying that if you were pregnant then you would go 'crazy' like that?" Weiss fell back on her chair, sitting back up quickly on the floor "I am not a Nymphomaniac!" her face was flushed like the color of Ruby's cloak. Ruby burst into laughter "You're so cute when you're flustered like that" she smiled. Weiss looked away, trying to hide her blushing face as she got up "You dolt..." she picked up her chair to set it back by the desk.

Silence filled the room as Weiss went back to her history homework. Ruby, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at the heiress. She loved Weiss and everything about her. The sound of her voice, especially when she sang, and the way her hips moved when she walks, the way she looked when she was sleeping, she is super smart, and so many many more things. Though she knew the heiress would disagree with her being able to name her own flaws (or most like her lack of self-confidence) like her chest size. Weiss hated and was jealous of the fact that her breasts weren't as big as Yang or her own sisters. She always had fears of losing Ruby to another girl with a bigger chest but she knew the redhead wasn't like that.

The other thing she hated about herself was her scar. Which she received from a broken glass when her father was drunk when she was little. To her, it was a symbolism of weakness and it made her feel ugly. Ruby, however, would say different, she loved Weiss's scar. To her, it was a symbolism of strength, friendship, and love. Ruby remembered that day of when she had received that scar. Her father was too drunk to realize that the glass he had broken hurt his own daughter. Weiss had gone to ask him if it was alright for her to stay at Ruby's for the night but given the circumstances Ruby had taken her home anyway, feeling a great need to protect her crush.

Tai had taken her to the hospital that day to take care of the wound and reported her father for child abuse and endangerment because this wasn't the first time that Weiss had gotten injured. Child services decided to give Tai temporary custody of Weiss until they decided how to handle the situation. They didn't remember much because they were young, Weiss was around nine years old while this all happened and despite Ruby being eight, she was quite intelligent and mature about the whole situation.

While Weiss spent the next couple of weeks with Ruby's family Child Services made the decision to give custody rights to her older sister Winter Schnee after she found out from Qrow of what had happened. She filed a restraining order and demanded that Jacques give Weiss money for the rest of her life and Child Services and the Council agreed although Jacques was angry but complied. Because of this Weiss was no longer the Heiress of the Schnee Diamond Company her older brother Witley was appointed the new position.

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