Chapter 29 - After Party Fun

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It's Friday!

I just want to let you guys know that this is a smut chapter. SO HEADSUP! 


"Spin the bottle? What are we five?"

As they got back from the dance and were in their dorms, currently Yang and Blakes. Emily thought it would be a good idea for them to have an after party/congratulations party.

"What? You don't want to play?"

"It's not that I don't want to play it's just not exciting or fun. I mean sure the bottle picks the person you kiss but take no offense to this I don't really feel like kissing some of you since we're friends. Especially if the bottle lands on Ruby on my turn. I am NOT kissing my little sister" Yang shuddered at the thought.

"Yang has a point... Plus, the only person I am kissing is my Snow Angel" Ruby smiled as she leaned into Weiss and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Weiss stiffened.

"Th-thank you, R-Ruby..." she blushed.

"Then how about Question, Truth or Dare?" Cynthia added.

"Now you're talking!" Yang said with joy.

"We have arrived!" yelled Kate as she opened the door.

"And with the beer that you requested..." Alexis said following Kate in as she was holding two cases of 14 packs with the label "Crow Bars Alcohol".

"Oh, now this game is gonna get really interesting and fun" Yang smirked.

"Guys! You know alcohol isn't allowed on school grounds! We can get in trouble for this!" yelled Weiss.

"Chill Ice Queen I asked Ozpin and he said it was fine since it's Homecoming week. Plus we don't have school until Wednesday" Yang said.

"What did I say about calling me that!"

"Anyway! Who's starting?" Yang asked.

"I will!" Cynthia said as she scanned the room trying to look for her target.

"Ice Queen" she smiled.

"Why do you guys keep calling me that?!"

"Question, Truth or Dare?"

T- truth ..." she said a bit hesitantly.

Cynthia's smile grew wider.

"Is it true that you and Yang fucked?"

Weiss went pale as Yang fell on her back, shocked from the question.

Weiss turned away as she felt heat rush to her cheeks.

"Yrsh..." she mumbled quietly.

"What was that?" Cynthia said.


"I can't hear you, speak up!"

"Yes..." she said in a whisper like sound.

"Yes, what?" Cynthia said trying to not laugh.

"YES ME AND YANG FUCKED!" she yelled, blushing madly.

"Was that so hard to answer?" Cynthia smiled innocently.

"You insufferable little- "

"You're turn Kate"

"What are we playing?" she asked as she handed Yang a beer.

"Question, Truth or Dare"

"Hmmm..." she looked around as she removed the cap from the beer bottle.

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