Chapter 34 - The Awakening?

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Her ears twitched and her eyes darted all over the place, examining the room she was currently in. she was unsure and nervous about on how to act in the current situation.

As of right now Blake was sitting on a couch. Which was the most comfortable thing she ever sat on considering the fact that her master wouldn't let her anywhere near furniture. However, she still felt uneasy and unsure if it was alright for her to sit on it.

But Yang insisted and said for her to take a seat while she prepares some snacks for the cat girl.

Her ears twitched as she heard the sound of a click and child-like laughter.

"Did you see how big the tank was daddy? It was huge!" said a voice of a little girl.

"Yeah it was very big!" said a man.

"I want a tank daddy! Can I have one?"

"Haha, maybe someday little rose"

Blake looked behind her as she saw a little girl wearing a red hoodie with a white rose symbol in the middle, black pants, red and black shoes. The girl's eyes were silver and her hair was black with red tips.

"Yang! We're home!" the man said loudly.

The man was tall, blonde hair not as golden as Yang's, his clothes looked a bit militant, and he had a red, white, and yellow ribbon tied into a knot on his shoulder.

The little girl spotted Blake and stared at her.

"Daddy..." the little girl tugged at the mans shirt.

"Yes, little rose?" he replied as she was removing his boots.

"Who is that?" the girl pointed at her.

Blake stiffened as the man look up and was now looking at her.

"Oh, hello there" he said as he stood up.

"Hey dad, hey Ruby!" Yang entered the room with a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

"Cookies!" the said girl ran to Yang.

"Ah uh! What do you say?" Yang asked.

Ruby pouted.

"Can I please have a cookie?"

"For now you can have two. Leave some for my friend okay?"

"Yay! Thank you!" Ruby said with glee as she grabbed two.

"So, Yang, who's your friend?" the man asked.

"Oh, dad this is Blake. The friend I told you about that I met in the woods or forest"

The man looked at her and smiled. He held out his hand and out of reflex Blake flinched a little. He noticed this but tried not to pay no mind to it.

"Hello, Blake. I am Yang's father. It's nice to finally meet you"

Blake looked at his hand. She held out her hand, hesitant at first but ended up shaking it anyway.

"Nice to meet you, sir"

He cringed at the word "Sir"

"Please, no need for formalities. Call me Tai" he smiled.

Blake just nodded.

Yang, seeing how uncomfortable Blake was and knowing why decided to take action.

"Hey, dad. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

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