Chapter 24 - Explanations

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Happy Friday! 



Cynthia just stared at Yang who was very angry, her eyes crimson.

"You expect me to believe your bullshit story and apology? Get the fuck out of here!"

"You can believe me or not but you can even ask your sister. She asked me to come here because of how you been acting lately and I also wanted to apologize for how I was in the past. Believing me is up to you though I can't really blame you... " she looked down in guilt.

Yang snorted.

"You don't have the right to feel any sort of concern for me... "

"Yang- "

"NO! I spilled my feelings out to you! And what did you do? YOU FUCKING HURT ME!" she balled up her hands, tightening them.

"How can you expect me to believe this shit?... "

"I get it... But... Ruby asked me to try to talk some sense into you... We have been keeping in touch a year after I left. I didn't contact her she contacted me which was a surprise... But since then we have been talking... She has told me about your situation with Blake and I want to help! This was all Ruby's idea believe it or not. She actually wanted me to show up acting like that. I don't know why but I guess she will tell us later..."

Yang loosened her fists.

"Why now?... Why..." A tear fell.

They both stood silent and Blake just watched. Using the bed sheets to cover herself while Yang and Cynthia were already dressed. Though, Blake was partially naked only wearing her underwear and bra.

"I never got to tell you why I did what I did that day... I regretted it ever since..." she looked at Yang then turned around.

"Believe it or not Yang... I loved you too... And the things I said to you that day hurt like hell... But I was trying to protect you... Because you know that my family and I are just like Weiss's family... " she wiped a tear that fell.

"When my father found out about you he threatened to cut all connections that we had and to make your life miserable... I made the choice of moving to a different place because I didn't want that to happen... I knew that if I told you the truth and not have done what I did you would have done everything in your power to make it happen... That's why I acted and said those things to you..." she turned around looking at Yang as tears were streaming down her face.

Yang's eyes were wide with shock by the new information she was hearing.

"But I guess my actions hurt you enough to be nick named 'Player Yang' huh? I'm sorry... " she looked down.

"I will not let my Daughter, Heiress to the next Weapons Industry be the shameful and laughing stock of being known to be with a foul like creature! Reputation is key in this family! I forbid you to be with that thing or else I will do everything in my power to make that things life hell!" she said is a mocking tone to impersonate her father.

She held out her hand to Yang and Yang took a couple steps back as she realized something.

Cynthia was wearing a wedding ring...

"You're... "

"Yup! Shortly after I left my dad arranged a wedding with some big companies son. I didn't really have a choice... I basically cheated on him today but I don't care... I don't love him..." she got closer to Yang.

"Listen I came to tell you that just because of what I did doesn't mean you have to be scared or hesitant to tell your feelings to someone else. Blake is in love with you and she basically proved that not too long ago" she winked at Blake.

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