Chapter 26 - Homecoming?

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"Aw, look how cute they look!" squealed Cynthia.

Weiss rolled her eyes as Ruby joined in.

"I know! They are just adorable! They are perfect for each other!"

Weiss pinched the bridges of her nose as she let out a frustrated sigh.

"You guys mind telling me why we are stalking these two? Just let them have their lunch in peace!"

Ruby looked at Weiss and pouted.

"Aw, come on Weiss! You gotta admit that they look adorable together!"

Weiss looked over to where all the fuss was about.

There sat Blake on a bench as Yang was laying down on her side and was using Blake's lap as a pillow. Blake was using one hand to read a book and was using her other to affectionately scratch Yang's head. Yang looked as she was sleeping and looked happy.

Weiss had to admit that they did look adorable like that and she even felt a bit jealous as well.

Why can't Ruby and I do things like that? Am I really afraid of what will become of my reputation?

Weiss shook the thought out of her head and looked at Ruby then looked away as she tried to hide a small blush.

"I suppose that they do... Look cute..."

Ruby grinned.

"You know it's cute when you try to hide your blushes" Ruby got closer.

"I- I am not..." Weiss looked away trying to hide yet another blush but was failing miserably.

Ruby kept getting closer and closer as Weiss began to back up. Soon enough, she was back against a tree so she could no longer back away.

"Yes, yes you are" Ruby whispered softly in Weiss's ear.

Ruby used her thumb and index finger to lightly grip and move Weiss's chin so she could face her. Weiss's eyes widened as Ruby's lips came into contact with hers. She felt like her heart was melting, her stomach had butterflies, and she began to kiss back a little.

Cynthia just grinned widely at the site before her.

"So, the Ice Queen CAN be melted"

Weiss stiffened as she had remembered about Cynthia's existence, quickly broke the kiss, and looked away from embarrassment, blushing furiously.

"Way to ruin the moment Cyn" Ruby glared a bit at her.

Cynthia giggled.

"Sorry, It was cute I couldn't help it!" she winked.

Ruby shook her head and continued to look at the Bumbleby pair.

She smiled softly at the sight before her.

"I hope that things can continue to be the way that they are..."

Weiss looked at Ruby.

"Why is that?"

Ruby was silent as she watched Yang do Nora's signature "Boop" on Blake.

Blake shook her head but smiled softly. She put her book down knowing that Yang was asking for some attention. Yang sat up and whispered something in Blake's ear and Blake blushed furiously. Yang laughed at her for it and rubbed the back of her neck.

"It's moments like these that Yang was never able to have or cherish... I mean... Sure, she has us. But, before we met you guys she has had a tough time... I think Blake is the final piece of the puzzle that can fill the hole that was in Yang's life all this time..." Ruby continued to stare at the Bumbleby pair.

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