Chapter 43 - The Little One

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You know what... We're just gonna go straight into this really... really... really... really... short chapter after such a long effing wait... 


It felt like an eternity... but at the same time, it was like as if she had time traveled to the future.

It was a tough journey. But she managed to pull through. Surviving all of Blake's crazy mood swings and the incredible sex drive that had surpassed even her own. The thought of sex even made her feel a shiver run down her spine as she hoped that her libido would finally get to relax from the constant sex she been having with her beloved mate.

Don't get her wrong. Yang enjoyed sex. But it's not as fun when you aren't allowed to call the shots and be somewhat in charge. No... Blake had changed the game very well in the matter... and she wasn't expecting to have the amount of sex that she would have with her mate during the next couple months... but she was grateful for Yang's corporation in the matter of her needs (even though she began to feel incredibly guilty). She knew she was draining her dry and was surprised that she was managing to keep up with her. It would even take a while for the mate to "get it up" though she knew it was because she was exhausted from all the kinds of sex they would have. But Yang was determined to full fill her mate's needs and desire during the pregnancy, giving all her 100% even if it was a bit painful every time she would arrive.

But as of right now Yang was laid back on a reclining beach chair on a porch, with a pair of sunglasses on, and a stereo next to her playing some classic rock along as she watched the sunset in the sky.

She was wearing her usual swim trunks and swimming top when she goes out onto the beach. She took a deep breath as she felt the soft wind breeze through her golden locks. Taking a sip from her Strawberry Sunrise she can't help but feel absolutely relaxed.

"Man... I don't know how long it's been since I have done this"

She stirs her drink with the little umbrella as she watches the waves, the sounds of birds making the peaceful experience somehow better. She closes her eyes as she takes everything in, taking another deep breath, leaning back into the chair. Warmth can be felt on her forehead as well of the feeling of hair tickle her nose, hands cupping her cheeks softly. She opens her eyes, looking at her suspect.

"Enjoying your relaxation?"

Yang sits up, putting her drink down next to her.

"I think this is the most relaxed I have ever felt in a while," she says chuckling a bit. "But honestly I think it would be even better if you could be out here relaxing with me." she winks at her.

Blake rolls her eyes "I bet you do" she sits down on the chair close to Yangs. "But you know this is 'you' time right?" she stretches. "I'd say you definitely earned it"

"Really now?" Yang smirks. "Now, what makes you say that?"

Blake rolls her eyes once again "I said I was sorry okay?" her tail moving peacefully behind her. "If it makes you feel any better" she gets up from the chair. "I do plan on making it up to you," she says a bit playfully as she straddles onto Yangs lap.

Yang removes her shades, Red now meeting Amber. "Oh really?" she grins a bit, a little nervous.

"Only when you're ready though" Blakes smiles sincerely, their faces close.

Yang looks into her eyes, hypnotized. "I-" The sound of a babies cry can be heard from inside. Blake sighs in frustration as she leans back.

"Not even 10 minutes and he's awake," she says with tiredness in her voice.

"I'll go get him" As Yang begins to get up Blake pushes her back down onto the chair.

"No. I promised you a day of relaxation where you wouldn't have to do anything. I intend to keep that promise" she gets up as she goes into the house.

Yang just shakes her head and smiles. Picking up her drink from the ground she takes another sip. The cries begin to disappear and she hears the patio door open and looks behind her. She watches as Blake is cradling something in her arms with a blanket.

"Shhh, it's okay baby" she gently rocks whatever is in it. "Shhh..."

Yang gets up and heads towards Blake. "How is he?" she asks, drinking the rest of her drink. "I think he just misses his daddy" she grins "the sound of your voice already makes him calm"

As Yang gets closer and gets in view the sound of cooing can be heard. Red eyes look at her as they blink as it smiles showing fang-like teeth, black ears with golden tips flicking as it feels the cool air breeze through them.

Yang smiles.

"Hey... Little Gambol"


I'm so sorry if this was a huge let down for a very freaking long awaited chapter... I bet you guys probably had some high expectations... 

I'm really sorry you guys... I did tell you that it was going to be a very long hiatus. but you probably were thinking not this long huh? yeah... sorry... 

A lot has happened this past year guys... believe me... it's also whats been keeping me from writing this story... I just never had the time to do it... and I still don't know what to freaking write for it... I had to re-read what I wrote for this story just so I could remember how I started this story off and where I left it at... Honestly, I cringed so bad thinking to myself why I thought this was good while I was reading some chapters. but hey... that just means in a way I have grown as a writer. 

Anyway, just because I have posted this chapter doesn't mean that I am permanently back but it also doesn't mean that I am going to be gone either. I'm just going to be posting at a very slow pace. So don't expect frequent chapters. It all depends on how my schedule it. 

But I also want to propose something. 

I was thinking about maybe either 1. rewrite this story. have a fresh start with it so I could possibly make it better or 2. Make a whole new story (still with Futa Yang). or 3. keep going with this one and try to hang on to what I have. 

I'm not entirely sure on what I want to do. but as of right now I am going with 3 unless any of you have a different opinion or suggestion. 

Anyway, it's 4 in the morning an I'm tired! So I'm out! See you guys in maybe a month or so (hopefully sooner). 

Also, thanks so much for all the feedback and support. I would never have thought that people would love this story so much. I really do appreciate the love you guys been giving me! 

Goodnight/Good Morning People! 

~ Pika 

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