Chapter 33 - A... Real Home?

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Don't worry guys! I haven't forgotten! 


"Yang Xiao Long"

"Huh?" Blake looked around confused.

"My name. It's Yang Xiao Long" the said girl repeated herself.

"You okay?" she asked.

Blake looked around with confusion and curiosity.

"Y-Yeah... Just spaced out a bit...Sorry" she shook her head.

"Are you tired? You can go home and sleep if you want"

Blake stiffened at the mention of the word "Home". She did not want to go there...

"N-No... I'm fine..."

Yang noticed the discomfort as she glanced at Blake. She also noticed that she was shivering from the cold from being wet by the rain. But it could also be from the pain she was feeling from her injuries.

Before Yang could even stop herself, she pulled Blake closer to her by wrapping her right arm around the said girl.

Neither of them looked at each other. But, they were both blushing furiously from the sudden contact. Feeling the heat coming from Yang made the cat girl feel warmer.

Blake subconsciously rested her head against Yang's shoulder. Yang stiffened from the sudden gesture and she glanced at Blake, blushing even more.

Holy... She's so cute!

"So..." Yang started to try and break the silence.

"Where are you from?" she asked.

Blake was silent but after a few more seconds she answered.

"I don't know... Your guess is as good as mine"

Yang looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Nothing... " Blake got up and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Yang asked, getting up.

"Home" she simply said.

"Don't you want to wait until the rain stops?"

Blake didn't answer, she kept on walking.

"Oh, uhm... Okay! I'll see you tomorrow?" Yang yelled after her.

Blake bit her bottom lip, still walking forward, on her way to her "Home".


Blake was currently on the ground, on her knees, her hands on her lap. A choker like collar was on her neck that was connected to a chain that was held by her master.

"Where did you get this ribbon Blake?" he held the fabric in his hand.

Blake looked at him with no emotions.

"I found it, Sir"

"So you did" he replied.

"Well, you don't need this thing. A lowly pest like you doesn't deserve to wear such a formal accessory like these" he threw it in the fire that was lit in the chimney.

When Blake saw this she felt sadness and anger. She didn't know why, it was just a piece of fabric. So why did it upset her seeing it being burned to ashes before her?

"I wish I could toy with you today but I'm afraid that I have important things to attend to. If you want you may have your free time" he removed Blake's choker.

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