Chapter 22 - Old "Friends"

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I was feeling generous today and decided to post the chapter a day early. I am surprised that I actually got it done like a day or two before Friday. Well, I hope you guys enjoy! 


Where am I?... I'm so cold.... Everything is blurry and fuzzy...

~Ba-dunk Ba-dunk~

No... I feel it... That's my...


My heart...


Yang's eyes slowly opened. Everything was quiet, dark, she felt as if she was floating but also falling. She looked around, her vision a bit blurry but as she let some air out air bubbles appeared. Her eyes widened a bit as she realized that she was in water. But... Could she still breathe? Was she dreaming? Or was she drowning? She didn't know. All she knew was that she was in water.

What is that? Is that...


A dark figure started to make it's way towards Yang. She couldn't make out who it was since it was pretty far. But as it got closer and closer it began to get clearer and clearer. Her eyes widened again as she realized who the figure was.


Blake was floating her way towards Yang, her eyes closed and it looked as if she was sleeping.

Yang reached out to her and as she did Blake opened her eyes and looked at her calmly. She got closer and placed both her hands on Yang's cheeks and smiled softly. Yang felt her eyes begin to water as Blake pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry..."


Weiss looked at Yang as she heard her mumble in her unconscious state. She smiled softly as she saw Ruby laying next to her sister and as Blake was laying on top of Yang in a hugging cuddling type position. The two finally look happy and relaxed now that Yang was here.

Since the day Yang left, Ruby has been distracted from her studies and hasn't been the same then. She missed her sister too much to worry about school and anything else. To her, it felt as if she had lost another loved one. Like her mother...

As for Blake, she has been quite distracted as well and once again afraid and shy to go out or do anything. When Yang left Blake's bullies have gained some courage to start messing with her again but didn't risk going too far as they learned that she was friends with Weiss, Pyrrha, Jaune, Ren, and especially Nora along with Sun and Neptune.

But, now that Yang has been brought back things will be different now.

Yang will apologize to Ruby for leaving and breaking her promise and also apologize to Blake for leaving and finally admit her feelings. It's the perfect plan! Well, at least that's what Weiss has been thinking this entire time. Come to think of it was it even a plan? Weiss wasn't so sure anymore.

Weiss jumped as she heard the door open.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

She shook her head.

"No, you're fine Qrow"

Qrow nodded and he sat down on one of the chairs.

"So, is that Blake?" he gestures at the girl who was currently sleeping on top of Yang.

Weiss smiled softly smiled.

"Yeah... That's her alright"

Qrow chuckled.

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