Chapter 17 - Player Yang

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Hey, guys, sorry for the wait. Like I said in the last chapter I was going to take my time in this one and I did. But, even though I did I am not happy. I rewrote this chapter so many times and I still don't like how it turned out... Plus, I know that you guys will probably be confused but I'll talk more about this at the end of this chapter. Enjoy I guess... 

Oh, and no opening this chapter. I am going to make a new one but I don't want to keep you guys waiting so that will be in the next one. 


"Yang? Are you okay?" Ruby asked with concern.

Yang snapped out of her daze as she realized that she hasn't touched her food in quite a while. She was too busy trying to keep her temper in check while she heard Blake and Sun giggle and laugh about whatever they were talking about.

A week after Ruby and the rest of their friends visited. Sun and Blake have gotten pretty close and soon became best friends. They seem to always be around each other every chance they got and Yang was happy for Blake, mostly because it was a sign of Blake opening up more and she's never seen her so happy. But, Yang, however, couldn't help but feel upset for the past week by watching the two.

"Yang?" Ruby asked once more.

"Oh! Huh? What were we talking about?" she sat up straight trying to compose herself.

Ruby and Weiss looked at Yang and then each other with worry. They noticed how Yang has been a bit down lately ever since Sun and Blake have gotten close, not to mention that she has been drinking a lot lately.

"We... weren't talking about anything, Yang. We asked if you were okay" Weiss said.

"O-Oh, um, yeah. Why ask?"

"It's just that you seem... not okay" Ruby said point two gun fingers at her.

Yang looked at the two of them in confusion but her attention was caught by the sounds of laughter from none other than Blake and Sun. She looked behind her as she saw Blake, Sun, and Neptune at a different lunch table. She grit her teeth in anger as she saw Blake playfully punch Sun on the shoulder, smiling widely, so much happiness.


"What?!" Yang snapped back, frustration clearly in her voice.

Ruby flinched and shrunk in her seat at Yang's tone. Weiss looked at Yang in shock then looking at Ruby with worry, putting a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort the girl. She has never seen or heard Yang snap at Ruby like that and this angered Weiss.

"What the hell is your problem?" Weiss said, anger in her voice.

"Weiss, it's fi-"

"No! You will not defend her Ruby. She's been like this for the past week" Weiss didn't break her gaze from Yang.

Yang looked at the both of them and took a deep breath, sighing.

"Look... I'm sorry. I... I just have a lot on my mind..." Yang looked away, staring out the window that they were sitting by.

"That doesn't give you the right to snap at her like that" Weiss crossed her arms.

"Weiss, really it's okay" Ruby tried assuring her, resting her hand on top of hers.

Weiss looked at Ruby and sighed, returning the touch, smiling softly.

Yang rolled her eyes and snorted as she witnessed this. She couldn't help but feel jealous at the fact that her own little sister had found love. Not that Ruby and Weiss were dating, they still were at the first or second stage where one of them pops the question on whether or not they should date. But the fact that she found it was unfair to her. Love isn't supposed to exist for people like her and Ruby but yet, Ruby found it.

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