Chapter 41 - Black Ribbon

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I was debating on whether or not I wanted to post this today or tomorrow but I decided on today since I know you guys are anxious for a new chapter. I just finished this today and tried to fix as grammar errors I could find! Oh! Also, Happy Smut Tuesday Ayyyyeeee 


After the visit from the doctor, Yang felt like she had been running on fumes. She knew the doctor had warned her of things to come but she didn't expect them to be extreme.

"Ngh~" she flinched.

As of right now, Yang's position was being on the ground, her hands tied behind her back. She was wearing her sports bra and a pair of loose jogger sweatpants. She thought she was alone but she wasn't, nope. She was currently outside as her "attacker" had pushed her into the bushes.

Yang always went on morning jogs. It was a good way for her to stay in shape. Though she never expected to be in the situation she was in now. She hasn't even seen the person coming and yet here she was completely defenseless. She winced as she felt the pressure of a boot press against her private area.

"Where do you think you're going?" said a sultry voice.

Yang opened one eye as she looked up at her culprit. "B- Blake?! What are you doing?" she was answered by Blake applying more pressure to her crotch area. "I asked you a question first" her voice was stern. "How did you even..." Yang trailed off as she looked at her current position/situation. She yelped as the pressure got stronger. "Well? I'm waiting" Blake's patience was low.

"I-I was just going out for a jog, honest!" Yang stuttered.

"Oh really?" Blake raised her brow. "You sure you weren't trying to hide from me?" more pressure was applied. "Yes! I swear!" she yelped. Blake eyed her, reading her to see if she was being lied to. Yang gulped, a nervous look on her face. She, in fact, wasn't entirely lying to Blake. She did go out for a jog but at the same time, it was to kind of get some space. For the past two weeks was nothing but constant sex. With Blake's pregnancy messing with her hormones she started to become a horny mess.

*Flash Back*

She didn't know what to think of this. Did she think this wouldn't happen? This was crazy! She can't have a kid! She's only 18! But Blake is 15 so surely this must be harder for her, right? God she was stupid... she had forgotten that Blake was the carrier. Yang couldn't image how Blake could be feeling at this moment.

Blake was staring into space as many thoughts rushed to her mind. She couldn't believe it she was going to be a mother? And Yang the fa-

"Ms Belladonna?"

Blake snapped her eyes towards Dr Heart. She shook her head to bring herself back.


"I was asking if Yang was the father" she gestured to the blonde... 


"Yes, I am" Yang quickly interjected.

"I see" Dr Heart looked at her, scanning her as well.

"Are you Futanari?"

"Is that a problem?" Yang got defensive.

"No. it's just rare for Futanari's to impregnate someone, it's interesting..."

"Why is that?"

"Mostly because their sperm isn't strong enough"

"Yeah? Well, I'm special..." she mumbled after remembering what Oz had told her.

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